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Flora Having A Fun


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Does anyone else have trouble with their greyhound and distractions???

we can walk Flora in the park off the lead and shes really good, comes back when called, sits for treats, walks to heel until she sees another dog then she has to run over and say hello, and wont come back no matterhow loud I shout until shes said "hi" then she comes back....

is it a greyhound thing ???? :angry:
its a serious condion all my dogs suffer from its caled salective deffnce they only here you whey you have somthing more interseting that the dog rabbit or what ever they have just seen :lol: :lol: :lol:
Its a whippet thing too Im afraid ... especially with Kobi at the moment - not so much Oscar - hes more obedient. :- "
Ha Ha Rottie xxx

Just caught up with your tales of our 'delightful' Flora. :huggles: When are you going to mention the incident with the car??????????? :oops:
Well... there was this bloke in the field where we walk see?

he was teaching a gropup of kids the ball controls skills for football

Thing is Flora is a bit on the lazy side and the sight of a car with open doors in the field was too much for her and at warp 10 she headed ogff across the field to go say hello

She got in the car.. bloke got her out

She got in the car again...... bloke got her out..

I was hoarse by this time shouting her name

She got in again........ bloke got her out...

He was laughing by now " she dont want to walk home mate" he shouted across the field to me....( out of breath running)

she got in again... he got her out

and again... and he got her out

she ran round the back and sneaked in again.... he got her out

just as I got to them absolutely shagged... she got in the back and lay down...

I dragged her out got her on a lead..l. only to turn roud and find Rosie Basil and Blu were all eyeing the car up as well. . . . .

Nice man though fouid the whole incident hilarious :b :b
rottie said:
Well... there was this bloke in the field where we walk see?he was teaching a gropup of kids the ball controls skills for football

Thing is Flora is a bit on the lazy side and the sight of a car with open doors in the field was too much for her and at warp 10 she headed ogff across the field to go say hello

She got in the car.. bloke got her out

She got in the car again...... bloke got her out..

I was hoarse by this time shouting her name

She got in again........ bloke got her out...

He was laughing by now " she dont want to walk home mate" he shouted across the field to me....( out of breath running)

she got in again... he got her out

and again... and he got her out

she ran round the back and sneaked in again.... he got her out

just as I got to them absolutely shagged... she got in the back and lay down...

I dragged her out got her on a lead..l. only to turn roud and find Rosie Basil and Blu were all eyeing the car up as well. . . . .

Nice man though fouid the whole incident hilarious :b   :b

PMSL ........Yep a Greyhound indeed lol :lol: .......My last Greyhound was a nightmare for saying hello to everyone and everything (even if they were the next field :- " ).....Still miss her now .......but easily distracted they are lol :D
went out with Flora last night and the difference was amazing..

three times she went to go say hello to a golden retriever and on all occasions a simple no and come bought her back to my side...

shes really getting the knack of obediance now im sooo chuffed

she is a sweety