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Flem In Throat Any Advice??


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My whippet bitch is recovering from a slight dose of pneumonia/chest infection,she had just started to get her appitite back when her throat started to become ruttley and seems to be alittle flemmy,has anyone got any good remodies for this or any good advice?
when my kids are like this, i put them in a room with steam in it (kettle or bathroom).....have no idea if it would work for your whippie though

hope she feels better soon :luck:
When ever my boy has had a cough i have always given him echinea/goldenseal and homoepathic byronia this seems to work for flemy issues i would'nt know but echinea definitely gives the immune system a boost :thumbsup:
you get echinea from the health food shop and also the Nelson Byronia from the health food shop
you must read the instructions Byronia comes in little white pills that you just give 2 a couple of times a day a good time is when they are asleep you can just place the tabs under the lip at the side of the mouth and just leave them to dissolve preferably not at meal times