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Flea problem


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My small yorkie has problem with flea and I cant remove them. I used Frontline Combo for every 30 days but it does not help. I am not allowed to use it more often. Flea shampoo and collar dont work as well. He every day lays on the grass during walking (2-3 h/day) and I cant stop him. Shower every day?

Any suggestion?
Get some flee stuff for your home, put a flee collar into your vac and go round and vac clean every where, spray the flee stuff round the edges of all rooms, if the dogs bed is washable wash it and all bedding, if its not, wipe it properly then spray it.
Another good reply from biker john
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Well. There might be number of reasons why the fleas are not getting off your dog. I used to be a dog health adviser at where I have seen almost 2-3 dozen of such cases from customers using Frontline Plus so I think my experience is gonna work here great. You might have got the solution of your flea problem as I am writing this but I am still going to do it because it might be the same with many people here.

Frontline Plus has brought quite positive reviews in our case so here are the reasons it might not be showing the desired results on your dog:

  1. Frontline Plus doesn't remove fleas and ticks from atmosphere except from the dog's coat itself so if your residence is infested by parasites i.e. fleas or ticks, they might keep appearing again and again on your dog.
  2. Apart from the home itself, your dog can also catch fleas from atmosphere, from the surroundings outside your home, from your backyard or from wherever he's taken. As you have mentioned he usually lays on grass, it can be the reason too.
  3. Your Frontline Plus can be counterfeit itself. Many times the reason for Frontline Plus not working well is the defective product itself. I recommend you to checkout A Definitive Guide for Spotting Fake Frontline Plus for Dogs.
  4. The food that you are feeding to your dog might not be healthy enough to keep it flea free. Usually dogs with healthy blood i.e. with low sugar and enough of nutritional elements will not catch the fleas easily.
Now as you have known the reasons, below are the cares to take to get rid of fleas, whatever the reason is:

  1. To get rid of fleas at home:
    In-home extermination should focus on upholstered furniture, rugs, and carpeting. Vacuum all floors prior to home treatment and check with your professional exterminator to see when it is best to vacuum following treatment. If your pet sleeps in your bed, wash sheets and pillowcases in hot water and regular laundry detergent. Vacuum the mattress and consider buying new pillows.
  2. To get rid of fleas from backyard:
    Remove underbrush from trees, and rake leaves where fleas and ticks may lurk. When spraying the yard for fleas, concentrate on the areas where your pet spends most of his time. Eggs and larvae will likely be shed in the spots where he lies down.
  3. For keeping your dog's immune system powerful:
    Read this comprehensive guide for dog foods:
  4. For all other reasons:
    Use year-round preventive care. Waiting too long to use preventative treatments before flea and tick season comes around could be dangerous for your dog. Protect your dog year-round to avoid an infestation. Ask your veterinarian about which product is best for your dog and be sure to read the label carefully before administering the medication.
That was it. I think that's enough as of now. Feel free to revert back to me if you still have any doubt. Just don't ignore this if you don't want to see your dog in pain. Earlier is better.
The best flea control is always flea prevention.

Adulticides (products that kill adult fleas) are a cornerstone of prevention.

Pyrethrins and permethrins have flea repellent activity. (NOTE: Permethrins should Never be used on cats.)

Using products containing these insecticides will help keep fleas away and prevent a flea problem from developing.

Regular use of insect growth regulators/development inhibitors may reduce the risk of fleas becoming established in the indoor and outdoor environment.

It has been proved that lot of the flea remedies bought over the counter are totally useless and a waste of money.

Your vet will give you the best treatment for your animal,, whether it be spot on, tablet or 6 month injection, but this must be used with other preventative measures.

Remember,,the flea eggs, larvae and pupae are not on the animal, these are found in furnishings etc, you must get rid of these to cure reinfestation.

Hope this helps, flea eradication is not easy.
