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Flaming Weather


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(w00t) flamming heck wev got thunder and lightning and it lashing it down like a good one here in wales ,anywer else got it bad :)
no thunder or lightning, last night had really heavy rain which knocked sky off, :rant:
Pouring down with rain here in North Shropshire - we're just on the Welsh border.

Looks like we could be in for a thunder storm :(
tell me about it!!! i just came down caerphilly mountain and windscreen wipers couldnt keep up with the rain!!!! :eek: i think its time to trade the car in for a surfboard!!!! :lol:
lovely and sunny here in leeds.

i do love a good storm though :p
8) really nice and sunny here aswell :- "
Beautiful here
lovely & sunny here all day and now its pee-ing it down with thunder & lightening
Its just started to rain, thunder and had a few flashs of lighting im just outside oxford... i was going to take mine out for a walk.. maybe later
nicky12 said:
(w00t) flamming heck wev got thunder and lightning and it lashing it down like a good one here in wales ,anywer else got it bad  :)

same here nicky :unsure: , and its so hot as well, and massive splodges of rain :eek:

the lightning is going great guns and the sky tv has gone off :oops:
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just started raining and we'v got thunder and lightening :(

we'v bought our horse in aswell
nicky12 said:
(w00t) flamming heck wev got thunder and lightning and it lashing it down like a good one here in wales ,anywer else got it bad  :)
we are now having a thunderstorm and the pup is scared!! :(
Nice storm here too, Izzy is fast asleep as usual on the sofa though. I guess the I'm scared lets tremble will come later right about bedtime? :- "

Hmm I am not fooled :lol:
:eek: Weve had big blue flashes of lightning here for about 15 mins and now its thundering as well. :blink: no rain though - yet!! :sweating: really hot too.

It was nice here till about an hour ago & then it started to pour down. I'd got a line full of washing out that was almost dry. I didn't even have time to put any shoes on so ran out in bare feet to get it all in. We've had a few rumbles & flashes but not much of a storm.

Scrumpy had been acting really oddly since mid afternoon, very quiet, tail between her legs, she even weed on the chair :( (we found that out when Neil sat down :lol: ) then she'd been lying in the corner of the kitchen all by herself.

I thought she was feeling ill & was keeping an eye on her with a view to going to the vets tomorrow.

Now it seems as though she knew the thunder was on its way, as soon as the mini storm passed over she has perked up again :)
major thunderstorm here now (3.35am),right over the top of us,the dogs are going crazy crying and panting ,looks like its oing to be a long night :b
we had big storm yest, i wudda slept rite through hadnt my bf woke me up the sod!!! our old dog doesn't get bothered by it any more maybe his senses arent like they used to be!