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Selling Fivepoundportraits


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Hi everyone,

I have started doing the A5 sized portraits for £5 again. P+P will be £1. If anyone is interested then please either message me on here or email me at and ill get back to you asap:)

ive also just set up a facebook page and would be grateful if you would become fans:)

here is the link FivePoundPortraits facebook page

here are some examples of the FivePoundPortraits i have done:





thanks alot,

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thanks bailey:)

If anyone is interested in having a £5 portrait drawn of their pet then please contact me at (or message me on here) and ill get back you you asap:)

Kind regards,

Hope you're OK Craig? Haven't heard much from you in ages.
hi jackie,

im ok thank you i hope your ok? I dont know if you remember but you did some pyjamas with sheep on for my little dog, toby a couple of years ago. Well we had to have him PTS in feb but i always remember he used to look so cute in his little sheep Pyjamas. Theyre still folded in the living room in his bed, i just cant bare to get rid of them or put them away lol.
hi jackie,
im ok thank you i hope your ok? I dont know if you remember but you did some pyjamas with sheep on for my little dog, toby a couple of years ago. Well we had to have him PTS in feb but i always remember he used to look so cute in his little sheep Pyjamas. Theyre still folded in the living room in his bed, i just cant bare to get rid of them or put them away lol.

I fine thanks Craig. I am so sorry to hear your sad new about Toby. Take care.