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Five Month Springer Spaniel And Four Year Old Lab Question.


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I have a four year old black Lab who is the gentlest soul in the world. She is amazing with our children, she had the patience of a saint. She is the -perfect- dog. We rescued her and she has real trouble socialising with other dogs when we're on walks, but apart from that she is just a complete sweetheart.

We thought that a good idea to try and socialise her would be to get another dog (also because I really wanted one and I thought it would be a good companion and play-mate for her) so recently we adopted a five-month old Springer Spaniel. She is adorable, and absolutely LOVES children.

We introduced the dogs slowly, and they're now best of friends. In fact, the Lab took to the Springer immediately, and vice-versa. They fell in love with each other at fight sight, I think. ( The only question I have is that the Springer initiates play fights ALL THE TIME. It's about 60% of what they do together after walks, before walks, when they wake up, when they are ready to go to bed. I have to put the Springer in her insanely comfortable crate at night ( so that Jess can get a bit of piece!

My question is: Does my Lab enjoy this play-fighting, or would she rather be sleeping, resting, doing anything else? They play-fight very well, no one gets hurt, it's typical puppy rolling around and mouthing, alternating on who is on top. There are no growls or aggressive barks from either of them. The only noise at all is a kind of joyful 'mork' noise now and again from the Springer while they're wrestling.

Am I overreacting, should I just leave them to it?

Thanks a lot for any and all help you guys can offer,
Hello and welcome to Dog Forum!

I have similar issues with my two but I let them get on with it, the older dog, Blaize seems okay with it and when she has had enough of Ripples playing on her head, she lets her know!

The main thing Blaize hated was Ripples running into her on their walks, but we rectified that by keeping Ripples on the lead a bit more and now she is much calmer about it.