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First Time Out This Season With The Ferrets

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I had a look out with Mally Junior, vixen and the ferts this morning for a couple of hours. It's the first time Vixens been ferreting since she was 7 months old.

I was a little apprehensive to start with as i thought she may get a little giddy when the ferrets were running around on top, but after the first 5 minutes i was totally relaxed. She was doing as she was told and really switched on to her task.

Thanks to Mally junior for the days pics, i wanted both hands free and didn't want to get sand in my expensive camera and lense...

As we got to the farm i noticed the fields we were going to ferret were being worked by the farmer, i wanted to bolt a few for the dog but we had to go to another part of the farm and use the long nets..



Vixen marking the first warren


waiting for the action to start


after a bit of hole hoping they started to move






first few in the bag. I'm not keen on dogs mouthing rabbits in the nets and tend to train them just to stand over the netted rabbits.


Vixen started to follow the action below waiting for the iminent bolt



she followed this one through the hedge in to the longnet on the other side



end of day shots...

Vixen had a couple of good runs but unfortunatley didn't connect as it was only 30 yards to the next warren, I'll be out again this week with her.. Early indications are she'll be a cracker!!!
well done mally wont take her long to get into the swing of things

Nice day out.. shame the dog didnt get a catch..
sparky said:
Nice day out.. shame the dog didnt get a catch..
I'm not worried mate she's catching them for fun on the lamp, it's the first time she's been ferreting since she's matured. She never got close to the rabbits that she ran they were straight down the next warren. I'll be out next week to give her a few bolters...

I'll give you a ring in the week and we'll fix up a day out
:) nice pics mate and a good start 4 you, good luck the rest of the season hopefully youll get plenty of bolters 4 the dog hes looking well :D
mally said:

Vixen had a couple of good runs but unfortunatley didn't connect as it was only 30 yards to the next warren, I'll be out again this week with her.. Early indications are she'll be a cracker!!!

Great pix Paul, looks like you had a good day out :thumbsup:
great post mally and Vixen is looking great...she certainly seems keen, im sure she'l be a great worker as shes still a youngster and plenty time to learn the ropes
haycroft said:
great post mally and Vixen is looking great...she certainly seems keen, im sure she'l be a great worker as shes still a youngster and plenty time to learn the ropes
She already showing her potential on the lamp accounting for over 50 rabbits so far (since the middle of August). It's early days with the ferreting but she never put a foot wrong yesterday.. She gave 100% and thats all i can ask of her. I'm out at least once a week ferreting so it won't take long before she gets a couple of bolters under her belt..

I took vixen to the vets today for he annual boosters and her commented on her condition, saying the dogs a credit to me... It's always nice to hear that isn't it...

I'll keep you all informed on her progress
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I wondered what Vixen's purpose is when the rabbits are running into the net anyway?

this is not a "funny" questions - genuinely interested as I have no idea!
kelli said:
I wondered what Vixen's purpose is when the rabbits are running into the net anyway?
this is not a "funny" questions - genuinely interested as I have no idea!

Vixen is a young bitch and she needs to get to know whats expected of her when out ferreting. Wether you just bolt rabbits for the dogs to chase or use nets a dog is a valuble asset when out ferreting.

Just for those people who don't know. here's a few reasons why we use dogs for ferreting.

A dog is used to mark occupied warrens (they can scent the rabbits within the warren) this saves you loads of time as you arn't netting up empty warrens.

A dog will chase the bolting rabbits into waiting longnets and catch rabbits that escape the nets.

A dog can hear the ferrets and rabbits underground so you have an idea where the rabbits are going to bolt from.

The most important reason for taking the dog is i enjoy seeing my dog work.

The farmers that have given me permission have givien it to me for one purpose and that purpose is pest control.. I use all methods to achieve the best results and yesterday the ferrets and longnets achieved this.
thank you for answering - great pics and looks like effective pest control :thumbsup:
great pics paul,you all look a pretty efficient team to me. :thumbsup: