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First Season Worries!


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Flo is having her first season, she has become very clingy and follows me around alot at moment.

She has also started to cry/bark at night when we first go to bed- this stops after half hour at most.

i was worried and thought that she was developing separation anxiety as me and OH are quite busy- coming and going- she isnt alone alot though- my OH pops in/out all day. but i put two and two together and putting this down to her first season hormones.

i hope it is- has anyone else experienced these behaviours with their bitches?

Chloe was a pain in the bum when she was in season too, although she didn't cry at night. She was very moreish and demanding. She also started with phantom pregnancies, making nests etc. She had a litter of 'babies' that included a ball, a tugger rope and a furry monkey! This was mild the first season, but got progressively worse. Her behaviour was extreme though compared to most.

She is now speyed due to the phantoms and coming into season every 4 months.

Has Flo just started this behaviour, or was it apparent some time before her season?
just started as season has started really, she's quite an independant character- terrier of course!

so this is very out of ordinary for her :blink:

i think she's rebelling also- naughty teenager stage..... :rant: :wub: