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Firework Fear


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i was always led to believe that lurchers are quite nervous by nature.

my sweetheart is more scared than any other dog i have ever known.scared of fireworks,and any loud this time of year she is even scared of the dark cos it makes her more wary of loud noises.I am terrified that one day it will kill her cos her heart pounds so hard and fast.i had the vet check her over,cos she's 15now and i was worried she might just drop dead.the vet gave her the all clear,but what i wanted to know is;are lurchers generally more nervous?and are your lurchers scared of thunder,airplanes and fireworks too?do they shake,pant and feel like their heart is about to burst through their chest?

the vet gave me valium for her,but i wonder if it is the right thing to do to give them to her.will she still be just as scared but unable to run and hide?i have tried everything.those CDs that are supposed to get them used to the noises,muffling the sounds with loud music,even burying her under the stairs beneath a mountain of duvets.

it'd be ok if it was just bonfire night,diwali and new years eve,but it seems to be every night from october through to jan.i am so scared for her.i don't know what i would do if one of my stupid neighbours fireworks killed her.i could not be held accouontable for my actions.they don't speak english and don't have the first idea who Guy Fawkes even is.

Have to admit my Colt hates fireworks ! At the hatch into the shed where they both huddle i have "welding screen stripped plastic" hanging down over the door to form like a cat-flap..if that makes sense :wacko: doesnt allow the flashes of fireworks to annoy them but yet they still can nip and out feeely from their hide-out :thumbsup:
My lurcher is completely bomb proof :D
Phoebe is soooo scared of fireworks she also wont go out after dark when shes hurd the first one go realy bad for her .

Pepa and Pagan like to go out and watch they are perfatly fine with them no bother at all.

we have had both pepa and Pagan from puppys so have ebcoredged them both not to be afrayed.

Phoebe is a rescue and had been abused she is scared of everything and shes my baby :huggles:
Aww bless,i guess we are lucky where i live the plastic police as everyone calls them patrol the streets regularly,anyone with fireworks 3 days after bonfire night have them taken away and they try to find out who sold them,this year there has been a crack down on fire works.But they seem to get louder and louder.One lad bought a rocket for 80 quid,he was bragging about it so when he was setting it off we all went outside,honestly it was like a bomb going off,it was a 6 repeater,luckily my dog doesnt bother but the little old lady down the road panicks cos her old dog hates them.She also goes to the vets for some calmers,but you never know when they are going to go off.Anyway it was only guyfawkes night you ever heard fire works,now its for any reason,must be getting old myself as i used to love them.Hope your wee dogs ok now.