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Finding dog walks


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Hi all,

I was just wondering how everyone finds new places out take their dogs and what they look for?

Look forward to hearing your replies
I've found some great new places that are not that far from my house just from spotting them while driving to work, I started taking a new route and would pass a sign everyday that says about woods, so I decided one day to go and investigate with my dog and it was so lovely! The same happened with a field that I go past with a public sign by it, also lovely walk because after the field there's a trail that goes on for ages!
Another I came across when walking my dog, a long footpath hidden between some houses..didn't notice it until recently even though we've been in the area a few years now because it's a 30-40 minute walk from my house, I just happened to take my dog for a really long walk one day and spotted it.
I just keep my eyes out for signs, public footpaths etc.
I tried googling it but didn't find any info. Where do you live?
I've found some great new places that are not that far from my house just from spotting them while driving to work, I started taking a new route and would pass a sign everyday that says about woods, so I decided one day to go and investigate with my dog and it was so lovely! The same happened with a field that I go past with a public sign by it, also lovely walk because after the field there's a trail that goes on for ages!
Another I came across when walking my dog, a long footpath hidden between some houses..didn't notice it until recently even though we've been in the area a few years now because it's a 30-40 minute walk from my house, I just happened to take my dog for a really long walk one day and spotted it.
I just keep my eyes out for signs, public footpaths etc.
I tried googling it but didn't find any info. Where do you live?

I'm just curious, I'm using the same technique as you as well as getting 'lost' on a weekend when I have nothing better to do.

It seems a little crazy that in this day and age this is the solution. Especially when there are so many un-used footpaths.
Other than word of mouth, I use google maps and look for woods or water. It’s amazing how many footpaths there are nearby I didn’t know about. We have also walked around fields with me looking at my phone and saying there’s a lake over there, only to be confronted by a railway line or barbed wire fence or a private property sign! Misty is never bothered, being out is the most exciting thing ever to her even if we are going round in circles!
Mainly from other people. After living in the area for 20 years just found the woods behind my husband's allotment., found out Monday that I can get to the canal through them.
Also see various bridlepaths when driving and like to explore them.
Old railway cuttings are other good walks.
Went with the Health walkers again on Wednesday, yet another new walk.
We tend to look around using B roads or side roads to check out areas.. We too look for those tell tale little signs no bigger than an A4 sheet of paper that say dogs allowed.. Recently discovered one not far from home with a lovely walk and view over a lake its on lead only but we take the long line Murphy doesnt mind and lazy people dont bother going there because its out of town.
We also check out the staatsbosbeheer (I think you would call it the forestry commission) as they often have info of lovely walks some of which allow dogs off lead others that welcome on lead dogs only. Google maps are very good..Check out an area then zoom in on any green looking place do the street view or if we can find the street name check out any info on the area.

Then there is a website in NL that lists all the off lead areas and has reviews from people who use them as well as photos and a link for a route planner with parking information etc. Its very helpful.
So it sounds like loads of people are having the same problem!

I started tracking my walks here I'd really like to develop it further to help others. I just don't think it's OK that people have to go to such lengths to find a walk, what do you guys think?
OpenStreetMap is a good resource for investigating possible walks. But then I'll want to google a bit more to try to work out if there's sheep or deer in the area, and have a close-up look on Google Earth. You can never really be sure how good it is till you get there - a lot of barbed wire, particularly if there's a chance of deer, can mean I can't let my dog off lead.