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Fincorrie Mood Indigo


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Hi all,  

I was following the progress of Fincorrie Mood Indigo as he is the father of my latest whippet and was doing really well.   I have finally bitten the bullet and begun showing at Champ level - I was really hoping to meet him but sadly learn that he has been put to sleep.

Has anyone got a photo of him they could post up? or can I find his picture on a website that anyone knows of??


PS is anyone going to the NWA on Sunday May 5th?
Hi Rachel

Its a long time since we heard from you.

Sorry to hear about Mood Indigo he was a succesful dog, where di you hear this? we haven't heard anything. We have tried to find a picture of him but have failed. Give Kathy Thomas a call or speak to her at NWA if she is there (if she isnt there it would be difficult to speak to her I suppose LOL).

As for NWA we will not be there this year :( it is just too far at the moment. Rob Newsham would be OK for us to go under so its not choice of judge just distance. Know of several folk who are going though.

I didnt know about Cathy's dog either, which is odd.  

Im going to NWA, its the Beast of Barnsley's first show and of course Frodo as well.  I dont think Cathy will be there she is not on that committee anymore and it is hours travelling. Look me up Rachel. I will be the one looking totally fraught :(
Dawn - thanks for trying re. the picture.  I heard the news from Carole Neale, - she bred the other half of my girlie - but I get the impression that it's a bit hush hush...

I was at the East Anglian WC open show last month and have a fully marked catalogue if you are interested... or do you just do the champ shows??? I'll post it to you if you'd like it.

Karen - I will look you up! but I bet I look far more flustered than you do, not to mention poor old Ginger.  I don't know what to expect - the champ level shows are so much more competetive than the open ones - it all feels so much more scary!!!! and I've booked into Southern Counties and Three Counties too - what a sucker for punishment eh?

Good Luck on the day (tomorrow!!).

Rachel   :)

PS Dawn are u doing Leeds? is Mr Peperone good for you? I'm wondering if he would like mine... does this make sense lol   :D
Hi Rachel

Yes we will be at Leeds, does this mean we will finally get to meet at last??

Thanks for the offer of the marked up catalogue, we generally just put the results of the champ shows on, but I would love to take a look at it anyway if thats ok.

I dont suppose you have a marked up catalogue of NWA by any chance?? How did you get on??

Karen - How did the Beast of Barnsley get on??  We havent seen the full results yet trying to get hold of them for the website.

Speak soon

Leah was the most perfect angel and got nothing.  I am not normally baised but this time I could not quite understand, she was everything that this judge should have been looking for. There was 22/3 but still it was odd.  Anyway we live to fight another day, loads of ringsiders were as amazed as I was so we will wait and see.  She has the most laid back soft nature that Ive ever had in a bitch and I would recommend her breeder to anyone wanting a super companion.

I didnt mark my catalogue because I thought its ok I will look on Dawns website :D
Never mind Karen
like you say we all live to fight another day.  If you were pleased with her performance what more can you ask of her.

What breeding is Leah?  How did Frodo get on?

Oh ??? Im confused which is the one you got from Patsy?


Hopefully we will get hold of a copy of the results soon and get them on our website for you to view :D
Hi Dawn,

I have a fully marked up cat. of NWA would you like me to email you the class results.
Hello there Dawn - Now I know what you do to keep yourself busy!! Hope that all is well with yourself, Richard and the whippies.  Where are we going to see you next ?  Byee for now - Kathryn. :D
Dawn, Leah is by Shaun out of Dumbriton Rainon, who was by Jesta.  Patsy has kept her brother Oliver

Frodo was 2nd in a huge Minor puppy class despite being horribly naughty, again I thought he was just right for his Judge Jim Cowie as he is not too big and his movement is very good.  We dont normally take such young puppies (6months 2 days!!) to shows but this was our local so was only 20 mins away.
Hi Dawn - apologies for not replying until now - the combination of my pc and is a disaster area at the mo.  I will put the eaw catalogue in the post - will I find your address on your site??? Re NWA we also came nowhere partly due to car sickness and partly to Ginger taking one look at the hugeness of the venue and getting the heeby geebies - but it was only her second show so I let her off!  I did get into some really helpful and interesting coversations though and got loads of useful advice too - it was well worth going just for that.  I saw Aphrael Eoife - I think we were in the yearling class together??? is that Savannah? and Wendy?

Karen - also re the NWA I was sitting right alongside the ring and saw you pass by but didnt like to take that opportunity to introduce myself - alas when I tried to find you after you'd shown I think you'd gone home - I have to say how beautifully you handled your lovely boy I did try to do that long fast stride that you used with him when it was my turn but as Ginger was on a 'go slow' it was impossible.  Are you doing Southern Counties?

Rachel   :)
Hi Rachel

Yes Aphrael Aoife is Savannah and that will have been Wendy with her.

Are you at Leeds?

Sorry to hear Ginger was Car sick but Im sure it will pass.

The shows are the best place to learn how to handle your dog, by sitting at ringside and watching how the experienced exhibitors handle there dogs and then addapting it to your own dog.

Try not to be nervous as this will pass down the lead to your dog ( I know that is easier said than done)

Anyway if you give me your email address I can send you our home address.

Rachel,  Thank you for praise, I take it you meant Rory as the young Frodo was a beast! :angry: I just replied to your other question, and Rory is one of those dogs that just looks so good going that speed, he is better outside where he seems to float. He was too long in the body for the dog judge, who prefers a cobbier dog. We will be at Southern Counties so we may meet up there.  Davids Dad is 93 so we cannot stay all day at the shows right now as we have to make sure he is ok
Dawn - my email address is - sorry again re the delay in answering - my pc seems to be allergic to this site - no sooner do I sign on than it crashes.  I think I will be doing Leeds even though I've been told that Mr McLeod wont like my mutt - but my parents still live there and I love an excuse to go.  Besides I'd love to see your girls in the flesh - not to mention you that is.... lol

Rachel   :)