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this topic came up on global greyhounds,whats your thoughts on fighters, are they worth the hassle of trying to put straight or not,i think yes they are as a lot of the good racers were fighters at sometime in their raceing lives,theres some interesting replies on global,so whats your views and how would you go about getting a fighter running true. ;)
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Can't believe there's no-one replied to this, they usually get sent to Gin Pit for us to straighten out!!!!!

None of mine have ever tackled (touch wood) so i can't really comment.
Hi Neil,

when a greyhound 'has a go',under NGRC rules it's card is marked. if it offends again it is banned for life.They usually put the faster ones over hurdles to keep their mind on the job in hand after the first 'do'. On the independant scene, it has to be really naughty to get ' warned off' but it does happen.because there is gambling in greyhounds, nobody wants a fighter for a number of reasons i.e. you cannot put your money on a dog if it might lose the race through 'dodging'. If it gets warned off, you have a dog you can't race which may have cost a lot of money. the main reason should be, that you don't want to ruin another man's chances of landing h cheers Mickis gamble or puting his dog off for future runs.

there's very little if any money with whippets so I suppose you could try to straighten a fighter out. but then again you have to remember the other person's dogs.
hi mick ,first what a great looking geyhound you have,she looks brill,i think biggest problem with fighters is that they haven't been schooled properly or brought on too early ,ive seen whippets that fight straightend out by putting them on the bends,as you say most of the top greyhound hurdlers were fighters,so maybe running a fighting whippet on the bends may cure it as you say its something different and it keeps their mind on the job,theres far too many greyhounds/ whippets being put to sleep either through fighting or they wont make the grade,or simply cos they wont chase,give em time to mature then school em properly ,maybe this will save alot of heartache having to put the dogs to sleep or rehoming them with someone who although you think will take care of em,hasn't got a clue what theyve taken on.
Hello Neil,

I own a fighter who i did not pick up untill he was eleven months old. On the track he would try to play with other dogs and wasn't a bit interested in the lure, he was not mean or vicious with his tackling of other dogs and would always be able to chase and tackle any dog in a race. I was advised on numerous tracks and training grounds to let him go to a pet home or take him to the local cut and shoot him. I did neither of those but i kept on solo running him with full blinkers, then blinkers on one side and then on the other. On his first race back from all this training some of my own club members even went to the half way judge to denounce him, fortunately the halfway judge told them quite politely to (go away) and he would make the decision on how the dog ran and not on their say so. He came through that race with flying colours and at long last, 18 months i had me a racing dog. The rest is now history, and the dogs name, Exspell the Bitch, would give my right arm for another one like him.
GOOD FOR YOU JOHN M, in my experience with racing dogs that are a bit "iffy" i find there are some you can straighten and some that you can not,i believe if a dog is fast then it is worth putting a bit of extra time in and as John M says blinker them, solo them and pray to the gods ??? if you cannot get them out of having a go, well they make brill pets and there is still the breeding part of the situation...

hows at neil :p :) :D
mick i think if you try all you can after a few months you should get some results as some of you know one of my old charges was jako marrillion maderos he was a git and never came on the sceen till late but bends was his anwser and the strights came later with him but up too this day if you let him off the lead he would kill anything moving thats pittfull in a sense no free running , but when on the track different dog run straight as a arrow, plus title with him and plenty off runners up which makes me wonder at times if he was free running as well as road work what else would we have got.
I myselfs has had a few fighters and timid ones in my time, there just as hard to get running straight.

I got an irish father to help me he used to run greyhounds for years and his little tips always work. :D

Gary and myself have help a few friends this year with fighters and up to date there both running straight now.

If anybody has any problems with fighters gives a bell or email me and i'll try to help you out.