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Yesterday morning at 8.30 I quickly cleaned the ferrets out before going out with the dogs. When I got back with them I went out again & came home about 3ish & went out into the garden, I just glanced over at the ferrets & was amazed to see one of them on the outside looking in at the other 2 (w00t)

Poor little Frisbee must have sneaked out at 8.30 & had been running around for over 6 hours trying to get back in. I'm just amazed that she hadn't run off. I let the other 2 out & it was so sweet, they were all over Frisbee, licking her face & making lovely little ferrety noises to her. I sat out with them for about 45mins while they had a play but all Frisbee wanted to do was curl up on my knee & -_-

She was totally exhausted & probably very stressed. I'm so glad she didn't run away. It's sort of reassuring to know she obviously likes living here :b
:D Im glad she didnt come to any harm :sweating: . Same thing happened to my friend - she had about 5 ferrets and the first she knew about a breakout was when they tried to get back in through her letterbox :lol:
lol what a sweetie!she must know when shes well off! :D
Many years ago I was driving along a country lane when something ran out in the road. I stopped the car and got out, and to my amazement a ferret ran from under the car straight to my feet. (w00t) (w00t) I new nothing about ferrets, but picked it up as it seemed very tame. :huggles: :huggles:

It belonged to a nearby house, so I felt very relieved that it was OK. It was so sweet. :wub: :wub:

Glad little Frisbee didn't leave home. :luck: :luck:
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She should be called Boomerang not Frizbee :p I'm glad she came to no harm and just wanted to be with her family. What a lovely story to recount. :)