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:lol: :wub: :huggles: murky_mcferretsons.jpg
:lol: :lol: you should Nicky they are fab fun, and totally mad (w00t) :D
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(w00t) now thers a thought keith ferret collars :lol:
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
daledogs said:
Awwwwwwwwww look :wub:   :wub:   Are they all yours?
(w00t) o god i wish iv not got any but iv been thinking about getting one :- " :D

Get the sewing mc out, more collars :lol:

keith :cheers:

Must admit keith, I thought they were Nicky's ferrets and my second thought was they are going to be really posh ferrets with posh collars :lol:

Lovely picture Nicky, as Lesley says they are really good fun, I've seen Lesleys and they are really comical :lol:
:x ferrets..............when i say i like most things fluffy (keep you thought clean b4 you start :lol: )


but i cant include ferrets in that :oops:

but i do love your collars :thumbsup:
do you need to buy them in pairs for company or do they live ok on ther own ...what do they eat what sort of housing do they need soz for 20questions :- "
nicky12 said:
do you need to buy them in pairs for company or do they live ok on ther own ...what do they eat what sort of housing do they need soz for 20questions  :- "

I got 2 sisters they love each other and play together so they are good company :huggles: with 2 girls you have to be aware of seasons though they come into season when the nights get lighter then go out when the clocks go back and the nights get darker so its a long time, and they can be prone to infection at this time but if you keep them clean you'll be fine.

we are going to have ours speyed when they come out of season :thumbsup:

They live for about 12 years so we thought whats the point of them having those seasons when we dont want kits :thumbsup:

They eat either dried ferret food which looks abit like cat biscuits or raw meat it's up to you, they will eat a rabbit if your dog catches them one :D

My friend in Spain has just one and it is fine on its own, as long as you give them attention.

Housing: mine have a big hutch, which has a compatment built up higher for their bed filled with straw and shredded paper, then the bottom part has wood shavings(sawdust ), they tend to do their toileting in one corner.

For them to be tame they need to be handled regularly, so they don't nip, we let ours in the house on some night for a half hour or so, they go mad round the house totally nuts they will come if we call them though :D

we also have a run just a square really with wire mesh and toys in it for them to play in on a nice day(must have a lid though they can climb very fast)

I wasnt keen on the idea of ferrets to be honest it was Andy who wanted them but I've grown really attached to them :wub:


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:wub: oo my lord they are cute .am i right in saying they usually use ferrets to go down rabbit holes and flush the rabbits out for the dog to catch :teehee:
You're right Nicky ours have had a go at it but we don't really work our dogs so they've only done it once ,they are good though because they come back to him when he whistles them :lol: Andys talking about doing it in winter maybe but its not my thing I'm too soft for that :b

The dogs have caught them a couple in the woods, we tend to give mainly dried food though especially in hot weather as it doesn't attract flies, if we're having meat for tea I always save them a bit before I cook it though :D
aww i want one :D it isnt againt the law to send a ferret down a hole after a rabbit thou is it :blink: id love to give that ago would be fun my blue mooches like hell for rabbits when wer out and has had a few chases and sum squirel's :lol:
nicky im pissing myself at those villains ! reminds me of our local swimming pool years ago when the "bad-boys" home kids used to come for their weekly swim !

j :D hn
You can't just have one ferret. I thought about getting one, then decided two would be better & ended up with THREE (w00t) They are brother & his 2 sisters, all are neutered & they get on together great. I have 2 hutches linked with a tunnel & they come out at least once (usually twice) a day to have a play on the ferret proofed :- " patio

They are real escape artists & yes they climb like monkeys & have managed to get out a few times. They introduced them selves to our new next door neighbours a few weeks ago by poking their noses through a very small (nose sized :lol: ) hole in the fence.

I sit out with them & need eyes in the back of my head to watch them. The patio looks like Colditz, I keep adding more bits of fencing & stuff to keep the little :rant: in.

Their fave toy at the moment is a black bin liner, one will crawl inside & the others jump all over it, they also love to paddle in a cat litter tray filled with water. My plant pots are a thing of the past as they have dug everything up.

Neil didn't want ferrets but he really likes them now & takes them on little trips around the garden :b

They really are good fun & I love the little noises they make when they are play fighting.

The hob is Bungee, the jills are Slinky (white) & Frisbee :p
O.K. lads..... Here we go....over the top!!!
:lol: ther so cute i love them and want them can you post them to ke please :- " :lol: