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Ferrets & Trampolines


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My daughter tortured me to buy her trampoline, ended up buying her a 12' one. She used it once!! :lol: Put the ferret on it today for a laugh and she was running round and round and round loving it. Its a great way to get her fit :lol: How does everyone else keep their ferrets fit?
My daughter tortured me to buy her trampoline, ended up buying her a 12' one. She used it once!! :lol: Put the ferret on it today for a laugh and she was running round and round and round loving it. Its a great way to get her fit :lol: How does everyone else keep their ferrets fit?

when we had are big hob, we used to let him run around the trampoline, was a good laugh and he never once tryed to jump of for some reason. As for my jill she just runs around the garden and sometimes in the kitchen to keep her tip top.
We take ours out to catch rabbits 8) That seems to keep them fit :-

We had a 14" Trampoline, sold it, was'nt been used, when Paris was very small we put her into it, and she would run round and round, it was funny :lol:
We had a 14" Trampoline, sold it, was'nt been used, when Paris was very small we put her into it, and she would run round and round, it was funny :lol:

Hosie used to love to lay in the sun when we had one iv a nice pic ill have to pop on. :)
we used to put them in one of them balls that you get for hamsters bigger ones of course, they loved it, they were like a couple of bumper cars the used to steer themselves so they would crash into each other, great little things ferrets
We had a 14" Trampoline, sold it, was'nt been used, when Paris was very small we put her into it, and she would run round and round, it was funny :lol:

Hosie used to love to lay in the sun when we had one iv a nice pic ill have to pop on. :)
It made a good sunbed :lol: must see if i've any pix :D

Here's one


Sorry fra if im hi jacking your post :b
Our ferrets come out to play every day, they have the run of the patio & can climb & run around as much as they want to. Bungee, the big hob is mad on squeaky toys & has hijacked a few of the dogs toys. He hides them all in "his" corner & gets really cross if we move them. He has to go round & collect them all up & put them back where he thinks they should be :lol

I love watching them play, they really are funny critters :wub:
