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Ferret Finder Mk 3


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Was reading the Countryman's Weekly last night and noticed that Debens have replaced the new MK2 ferret finder with the MK3. Does anyone know of any reviews for the MK3 as i know the MK2 didn't get a good review. I'm thinking of buying one as my old one is a bit knackered...mind you i've had it for many a year... :cheers:
dazgail said:
Was reading the Countryman's Weekly last night and noticed that Debens have replaced the new MK2 ferret finder with the MK3. Does anyone know of any reviews for the MK3 as i know the MK2 didn't get a good review. I'm thinking of buying one as my old one is a bit knackered...mind you i've had it for many a year... :cheers:
DON'T BUY A MK 3 BUY one of the old ones as the others are useless.

My Friend bought one and he had to dig three holes to get to his ferret and it was only 18" deep they are rubbish.

we are out every sunday during the winter, ferreting, we use the ferret finder mk 1 15 ' and we can pin point our ferrets to within 6" everytime.

take my word for it mate the mk3 is useless. There are quite a few mk1's left on the shelf and you can still use your old collars. be quick though because there going fast. We've bought 2 spare 15' boxes and 3 spare collars for the future.

Deben have produced a totally useless piece of equipment I.M.O alot of terriers and ferrets are going to lose there life due to the fact it isn't accurate. doesn't matter whose operating it.
:thumbsup: Thanks Mally i had thought that the MK 3 might have been an improvement on the MK 2 as i know the MK 2 was given poor reviews...wasn't sure if Deben had sorted out the problems with the MK2, but looks like they haven't. Looks like i'll be buying up some of those spares for the original one. :thumbsup: