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Female in season - humping?


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Dear all, we have just taken in 2 rescue dogs, a 7 year old female Dalmatian and a 4 year old Female Labrador. They are inseparable but unfortunately they have not been spayed, chipped, no idea what date they were born?  etc.

All this is now being addressed but it appears the Dalmatian is in the 2nd week of being in season and today there has been excessive humping by the Dalmatian. Can we put this down to hormones? The Lab is, quite rightly getting unhappy about this constant attention and quite nasty confrontations have occurred so we have separated them via a child's gate, only for them both to be pining for each other. Hopefully this will decrease as we move further into the week....just want someone to say, yes, this will happen and will settle down..........

They are lovely dogs and we are so happy to have them in our home and they have come on leaps and bounds since they came to us a week ago.

many thanks in anticipation
Oh yes! Hormones will be to blame. Bitches that are in heat will also try to escape to find a mate so do be aware of this. Of course your bitch may will be content with targeting her house mate!?

Humping can, sometimes, be a sign of other behaviour issues but, as she is in season, by far the most likely cause is hormones.
Hormones, it will soon be all over. Remember that the girls can be in season a little longer than the 3 weeks, so just be aware!

Some of ours get a bit fed up when the humping goes on for a long time, we just let time take it's course and they sort it out themselves.

Enjoy !
A lady in our village breeds Labradoodles. She has at least six with others visiting at various times. There is a lot of humping going on among them all. She gets them all checked over by a registered McTimmony chiropractor at least once a year.