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Feeding Your Dogs


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Hi Everybody just looking at feeding forums on what foods are the best for your dogs and pups its very interesting what people fed there dogs now but when my parents were breeding we are talking 30 years ago the pregnant bitch was fed a great diet fresh meat a good quality dog food and the first part of her pregnancy and the last part of her pregnancy increase her food and when the pups where born we used hot water bottles to keep pups warm and when weaning pups we used Sunrise powder milk (human milk) and weetbix in the morning and for lunch we soaked puppy biscuits in hot water with a little puppy tin food and for dinner we then soaked puppy biscuits a then added fresh meat being Chicken to start with and after a couple of weeks we added beef and chicken but these days it has all changed to a super premium dry food which i must say is so expensive not all people can afford this and not give your pups or dogs powded or cows milk i do however had my dogs on advance dog food and they dont eat it and i have tryed pro plan and still dont eat i now have tryed super coat and guess what they love it so what i am trying to say is what happen to the days when the super Premium food wasnt around what did people fed there dogsand puppies back then ???? so i would love to know how many people fed there Dogs not so Good Super premium food and fed there dogs good quality food and are happy with it and i also have notice people advertisting there kennel website and avertisting them as feeding there dogs a Super premium dog food and really they dont
Hi Thanks K4tie_d for sending though what do you fed your dogs it was great to see what people fed there dogs it has change over the years i think i will stick to what we use to do but when my parents bred dogs and where very SUCCESSFUL Breeders all of there dogs Had great bone and there where a couple of BEST IN SHOW winners too so has people have told stick with what you know :thumbsup: