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Feeding Treats To Dogs


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:rant: Just got back from walking Zeb in the park.

We were quite happy having a run and walking around, when a lady walked in (she usually has a dog but this time just the grand children) called Zeb over and next thing i know is Zeb is eating something. :rant: I tried to call him back to me but NO. This lady has food you don't mum. Why should i? :rant: :rant: Oh look Zeb's eating something else. :rant:

Its taken me over a month to wean him off treats in the park, training and agility. He was doing great listening to me and doing everything i asked him to.

Know that the school are back, people that he has not seen for a long time are back in the park and feeding him. I wish people would ask before they give i would then say no, But i don't get the chance to.
It's really frustrating isn't? I have taken to try to walk when there's noone around to avoid this. :angry:
Drives me mad. There are are several people in the field where I walk Murphy and Ellie who have severely obese dogs, wonder why - they feed their dogs human biscuits as treats. They also feed them to Murph and Ellie given half the chance so I forced to leave the field every time I see them. I do not want my dogs eating such cr** (although I'm quite happy to eat it!). I have asked them not to but they just dont listen. They also don't pick up dog muck - such a shame for those who use the field for football.
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its like the lady today. she has a very obese lab. I have managed to stop afew people from feeding Zeb but its the last few that just look up and say "all right just look at these eyes" or "he looks like he needs fattening up" :rant: Stupid B****y people.
Sada must be doing something ever tries to feed her :lol:
I'd be really angry about that too. How do they know what he can and can't eat? He might have a medical condition fror all they know and be on a special diet :angry:
This is one of the (many :- " ) things that wind me up. My Hebe was a really naughty puppy & had no recall at all. We worked really really hard with her but there used to be one woman in the park who always had treats & Hebe would dash over to her & leap up at her (another thing I was trying to stop her doing to people)

This woman would just laugh & shovel the treats into Hebe's mouth :rant:

Eventually, one morning after calling Hebe back for at least 15 mins, she had finally decided to come back when who does she spot but this :rant: woman & off she went again.

Well that was the final straw & I just yelled at the woman"Don't feed my dog" or words to that effect :- "

To be fair to her, she has never once given Hebe anything ever again, it took Hebe quite a while (like 6 years :lol: ) to suss that her meal ticket has gone.
I get angrey as well my son has a staffie when he was a pup he stole a bag of sweets from alittle girls hand. That was it no more treats. He,s grown up and really well trained but the amount of people who still try to feed him really makes me made.