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Fed Yearling pups and overalls

john m

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102 dogs attending the open today at Asfordby.

Quite surprising to see so many dogs stepping back into the yearling section, which I believe is open to dogs up to the age of 2 years old with the fed.

Eg. Lacey Venture, Just Right Tess and Kody, dogs which usually run in the adult section and many more.

Is 2 year old too old for the yearlings??????

What do you think????????????
Well done for today steve, These laptops make it very quick to have the results on this site early.
WELL DONE to all the winners, as for yearlings running upto 24months of age, i think it's a good idea :D does any one know how old the yearlings are that won today ???????
Well done everyone for today ..I think no limit pups should be scratched and made yearling no limits , as people dont want to be rushing big pups racing, they need time to mature, then when they are over a year they are thrown into the deep end with adults
Hi John,

I enjoyed it too today. Shame my pup is 28lb and goes right :( Still, I know he is fast, and thanks for your advice. Don't know enough to comment on the yearlings, but I suppose it's the same for everyone? As i'm new to to the sport it's just frustrating to have a fast pup that is top weight in his class, has to start left, goes right, loses 4 lengths, and only gets beat by less than a length :( Still, like I said I and my wife enjoyed it...and hope to be around for awhile to come...

Many congrats to all the winners, and I saw Fluke for the 1st time today...what a great dog..

How old is your pup paul and is this the weight he will run at all the time??? :D
trying running him a few times with blinkers on paul might help keep him in a straight line ..
I must admit Paul i looked out for him & he's a really good looking pup, didn't get chance to chat with you as that sex god meades was pestering you when i spotted ya, shame he was the scratch dog & runs right, he might grow out of it with experience yet.

One thing i must mention (here's my whinge!!!) why are left hand/middle runners being seeded right? If the dog is seen to run left how can we make sure it doesn't get seeded right again? Just a thought as i noticed quite a lot of dogs seeded this weekend - is it something that we could do at the beginning of the year & if a dog runs opposite its seed have to run as drawn? Just a thought.
Didn't see your pup run today Paul but will look out for him in the future.

Thank you and yes we think also that Fluke is a great dog but more important she is consistent. Just a pity about her weight problem over the weekend but no big deal, she showed that she was more like herself today.

Had this conversation with Alison Armstrong this afternoon Vicky about seeding, seemingly it had been agreed at some point that seeding was to be registered on the membership cards and checked at each event but it has not happened and cards are not always checked at weigh ins. It does sound a sensible way of working though.

Lap tops John? How could we manage without them, a brilliant invention!
I seed right in the hope of getting the outside rail because my dogs an out & out right hand runner, fair enough if another dog gets drawn on the outside of me you've got to accept it but you dont expect it to come straight over aiming for the left - like you say the seed stated on the membership cards sounds like a really good idea but it needs a bit of looking at to get into place.

John i think your getting mixed up between laptop & lap dancer!!!!
Thanks Denise and Vicky, for your comments, it is interesting why certain dogs do this. When he runs level, he runs straight, but I must say I'm expecting too much, he is a great little pup, and that's all that matters. And, he's not ten months till next week, so I can't complain...Vicky, I just spoke to Dave (Bigland Girl) and told him about your comments (racing against Biddy) and he was wll chuffed, He's a good bloke, and has helped me too.

We just the enjoy the day out to be honest...

Thanks all,

10 months is no age, he'll come on leaps & bounds yet plus he's quite a leggy dog for his age so will take longer, but he still ran well - when's he getting a mate then?? :D
Vicky, I want another one tomorrow...but my wife want's an extension on the house 1st :( we will see :) Anyhow, gotta go I'm now a postman, gotta get up :(

I too noticed a lot of dogs were being seeded and then were going the other way, one dog that was seeded left in my race went right caused a lot of bother or so they said and got thrown out ,causing a rerun, he was told not to seed it the next day and it came out the box's and went right again........might be that the dogs are young and finding their feet or sides ..... but it is a good idea to put seedings on our cards providing the seeding can be changed if the dogs decide they want to run the other way as happened on sunday........ ;) ??? :D
A BIG apology to Phil Peacock and his bitch Sing For Me, i had been telling anyone who cared to listen how good i thought this young bitch was and then i put the results of the yearling final the other way around, what a nob nor i am, ( a big shout of yes you are), once again i can only apologise Phil, and i hope no offence was taken as none was meant, john m
yes i agree sing for me will be one to watch in the future.... :D :p
yes well it might be that it was well breed lol

little folly the mother of sing for me is micky macs litter sister that i bred out of hocus pocus and micky mouse ...nice to see the next generation doing well also
There will be some good young uns running this year all well breed as Dee puts it..... lol nice to see some new blood ey :D :p