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Fat Boy Slim X Come On Ella


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come on ella has delivered two black dogs and a brown and white party bitch so far
congratz 2 all concerned. look forward to the pics :thumbsup: :luck:
Welldone to all concerned, is there any more :luck:
should be canny these,best of luck :thumbsup:
thanks people no more yet DO hope theres one more bitch :sweating: :sweating: :sweating:
nice 1 steve seen john states bitch run out of ella x just friends last week dead impressive all the best with the lucky owners :thumbsup:
:luck: Good luck with them :thumbsup:
nice 1 steve seen john states bitch run out of ella x just friends last week dead impressive all the best with the lucky owners :thumbsup:
thanks andrew for the use of fat boy slim the dogs in this litter should be flyers iam pleased kevin got the dog out of the last litter that was pick when folk see that run my phone will be HOT lol (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
a big thanks to you all look like thats it two black dog pups one party bitch all doing very well i hate the 1st week :sweating: :sweating: :sweating:
mum and pups are doing fine get some weights up soon may be a dog pup spare pm me