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Farting dogs

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Does your dog fart ? Mine is lying in front of my woodburner and he smells like an 18at man after a Vindaloo
You could cut lumps out of the air and use them as weapons of mass destruction when Jasper was younger. The smell would wake me up in the night:confused:

He was cured overnight when I switched him to a raw diet. Shame I can't do the same with my husband;)
Can you change your diet, as mentioned by @JudyN above.
A heavy overload of undigested grains and fillers fermenting in the gut can
can contribute the some of the most horendous smelly wind. PHEW!:eek:
Benny was a champion farter.. Its true that in his young life he was given every table scrap there was (before we had him) and that gave him awful farts when we got him ..Imagine driving along in a car for more than 100miles with two dogs and farts like a London pea souper!
Later he developed pancreatitis and I dont know if that added to the problem but even on low fat raw diet he let out noxious fumes that could have been considered biological warfare, it was enough to strip paint. Any well intended treat caused gas clouds you could smell a mile away so his diet was very strict but his smell was one to avoid at all costs..

As a side note I have forbidden myself from eating falafel because much as I love it the effect is similar to Benny..:oops:
Yes they do but not as bad as me . Im the Champion farter in my home.
AT least I admit my farts my OH blames the dogs . :D
My step daughter has a French Bulldog his are SBD smells like he's been eating a corpse. Considering their sense of smell is so good dogs never bat an eyelid either!!!
My boy's can really smell especially Rolo he honks! Nothing worse than sharing the bed with them under the covers and they let one go, they just crawl out and leave me and my husband choking :D:D
Den often breaks wind when he’s going up the stairs, really loudly on each step! So funny. (Not when down wind)

Boxers, Bulldogs, & all the bully relatives are notorious for noxious & frequent gas.

One way to help them digest their food better & prevent the stinking clouds is to supplement their diets -
probiotics & digestive enzymes will break down the proteins, starches, sugars, etc, so that they excrete fewer nutrients as waste, & also produce less gas as a byproduct of poor digestion.

The brand RenewLife is one i can heartily recommend, & they make both an excellent digestive-enzymes capsule [vegan capsule, no animal testing, no colors / preservatives / fillers, etc], AND a whole range of high-potency probiotics.

I have given their DigestUltra digestive enzymes to dogs, cats, humans, kittens, horses, & even to some birds & herps that were seriously ill, with good results; enzymes are not stored in the body, & must be given with each meal.

I have also used their high-potency probiotics for years, for myself -
they have not millions, but BILLIONS of live critters per capsule, & must be refrigerated to keep their potency.
I give the probiotics by opening the gel capsule over a small amount of organic yogurt, sprinkling the powder onto the yogurt, & stirring it in - so that a sneeze or a random breeze won’t send live microbes all over the room, to die. :eek:
A Tbsp or 2 of yogurt is plenty - once the powder is blended in, drop it onto their meal, & it’s gone in a jiffy. :)

Over time, a self-replicating popn of commensal microbes can develop, & probiotics can be taken less frequently; i give them daily for at least 5 to 10 days, then 2 to 3 X per week for a month or so, then weekly for at least 6-mos, & finally biweekly as maintenance.
IF THEY [or i...] ARE GIVEN ANTI-BIOTICS or other meds that kill the microbiome, i get the Dr’s OK to give probiotics either during the medication period, or immediately after the Rx is no longer given.

Some antibiotics are rendered null by probiotics; the probiotics cannot be taken at all, till the entire Rx is finished. // With others, U can take a probiotic 2 or so hours *after* the medication, or U can space it a certain time *prior* to the next dose - be guided by the Dr, or ask a pharmacist who is familiar with all Ur current Rx meds & any OTC or supplements U take, including any medicinal or supplemental HERBS.
Some herbs can interact with meds, & either negate the medication’s efficacy or cause side-effects; tell Ur Doc & pharmacist about any nutritional supplements, “weight loss” herbs or OTC treatments U are taking.

Amazon in the U-S & the UK carries RenewLife as a vendor, & 2nd-party sellers also carry it on Amazon. :)
- terry

Wilbur let's some crackers go, not too often now thankfully.
A mates staff cross, who used to stay at times, would suddenly get up and leave the room about 3 seconds before the smell would hit! :eek: He did it at my father in laws once, we saw the dog leave and all pulled our jumpers up over our noses just as he looked at us like we were mad he got hit by it:D:D:D, didn't even have time to ask what we were doing!!
I don't think Harri has ever produced anything smelly thank goodness. Not a windy dog which after reading this thread I'm very glad about!
I don't think Folly farts, I never hear anything and as I have Anosmia if she did a quiet one I wouldn't know about it but at least no visitor has ever mentioned a smell so I assume she does not.