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Farmers Rights On Shooting Dogs


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Hi could anyone tell me or point me in the right direction for advice, a farmer came to my house with a shotgun an entered my rear garden & proceeded to shout abuse & being abusive to my 16 yr old daughter, Quote (I'm gonna shoot those f*ckin dogs if they go in my field again), the dogs hadnt been in his field my daughter had took them out on their leads, a cple mths later my other daughter took the dogs out but on her return she had not realised the dog pen gate was not closed properly, subsequently the dogs got out of the pen & jumped the garden fence into the farmers empty field, neighbours said the dogs were playing chasing each other round the empty field ( no livestock whatsoever in the field),

the farmer came shouted the dogs they run to him an he shot them dead point blank with a shotgun,I heard somewere that a shotgun discharged less than 100 metres from a highway or public dwelling houses is illegal? also the dogs were not engaged in any activity like worrying livestock as their was no livestock around.

the dogs concerned were pets an placid springer spaniels they wudnt harm anything. he then phoned his son whom he knew was out with my daughter an said bang bang i've shot em, my wife went to the farm, himself an his wife were laughing saying he was in his rights, my wife phoned me I came straight home as she an my daughters were distraught, I belive the farmer shot them being vindictive over a dispute we had over a fence i erected in my back garden adjoining his field. can any one tell me the laws on this please
hi there thats shocking :rant: :rant: i think that he wasnt in his rites because the farmer has too be so many metres away from the animal and the dog has too be terroristing the beasts, i would contact your local game keeper because they could give you your rites and bring that b*****d down!!!!!!!! :rant: :rant:

rip your wee dogs they would be part o the family :(
On the DEFRA website it states that...

Under the Act there is a defence available to someone who is the subject of civil proceedings for killing or injuring a dog that was worrying or about to worry livestock. The defence can be used where there were no other means of ending or preventing the worrying or where the dog that had done the worrying was still in the vicinity and not under control and there were no practicable means of establishing ownership.

Also posessing a firearm with intent to cause fear or unlawful violence carries a maximum sentence of ten years & an unlimited fine.

Trespassing with firearm in building/on land, maximum penalty seven years & unlimited fine. (Both from BASC website).

Hope that helps
have you reported it to the police, cause that is the first thing i would have done..

how long ago did it happen??

Did you report the fact he came to your house waving a shotgun aboutmaking threats??
report it to the police the very least he should have his licence taken away.a farmer doesnt have the right to shoot anyones dogs when they arent worrying livestock.SUE HIM! :angry: id also ask the police to prosecute him for threatening behaviour too.get a solicitor and pursue this one :thumbsup:
Kim and Tilly said:
have you reported it to the police, cause that is the first thing i would have done..
how long ago did it happen??

Did you report the fact he came to your house waving a shotgun aboutmaking threats??

hi yes it has ben reported to the police who say they r not sure about the legislation surrounding it,

& i didnt know about him coming before making threats my wife kept it from me so i wudnt go up to farm kicking off, i only learnt about this 2day when my wife was making a statement to the police. I've been warned by the police to keep away or they will arrest me.
iI saw 2 boys with a gun in our local park the other day I phoned the police and they said it was illegal to have a gun in a public place and you can only take the gun from the car to the house etc in a locked metal case and even game keepers have to report to the police if they are going to hold a shoot

I would definitely sue him he shouldn't have ben on your property with a gun

RIP your dogs
I am a police officer. All kinds of offences have been committed by this farmer and you need to report it to your local police.

I am sorry for the loss of your pets.
eskview said:
Hi could anyone tell me or point me in the right direction for advice, a farmer came to my house with a shotgun an entered my rear garden & proceeded to shout abuse & being abusive to my 16 yr old daughter, Quote (I'm gonna shoot those f*ckin dogs if they go in my field again), the dogs hadnt been in his field my daughter had took them out on their leads, a cple mths later my other daughter took the dogs out but on her return she had not realised the dog pen gate was not closed properly, subsequently the dogs got out of the pen & jumped the garden fence into the farmers empty field, neighbours said the dogs were playing chasing each other round the empty field ( no livestock whatsoever in the field),the farmer came shouted the dogs they run to him an he shot them dead point blank with a shotgun,I heard somewere that a shotgun discharged less than 100 metres from a highway or public dwelling houses is illegal? also the dogs were not engaged in any activity like worrying livestock as their was no livestock around.

the dogs concerned were pets an placid springer spaniels they wudnt harm anything. he then phoned his son whom he knew was out with my daughter an said bang bang i've shot em, my wife went to the farm, himself an his wife were laughing saying he was in his rights, my wife phoned me I came straight home as she an my daughters were distraught, I belive the farmer shot them being vindictive over a dispute we had over a fence i erected in my back garden adjoining his field. can any one tell me the laws on this please

If everything you have stated is correct and i have no reason to question it then the farmer should be arrested and his shotgun/firearms revoked immediately without question. entering someones property threatening to shoot there dogs is good enough reason, let alone then shooting them a couple of months later in a field with no livestock present.

If i was you i would cut out the police officers and go straight to the chief constable i'd also report the incident to the regional firearms officer.

please let us know how you get on,
I don't know the law on this but it's so sad :( Last week I went to do a homevisit for someone who wanted to adopt a dog & asked them if they about their previous dog. There was a basket in the corner of the room so it was obvious that there had been a dog before. They had been out only 2 days before & the dog, a Jack russell had pulled suddenly & the person holding the lead let go & the dog ran off into a field. There were sheep in there but the dog didn't chase, he just ran round the edge of the field. The family ran after & saw the farmer, shouted that it was their dog, he still had the lead trailing, the farmer got the little dog in a corner & shot him in front of the whole family, including a 6 yr old & a15 yr old. The daughter(15) hadnt eaten for 2 days and wouldnt go to school & just kept crying all the time. They were getting another dog straight away to try & give her something else to think about. Poor dog, poor kids, :rant: farmer.
imo a lot of these farmers seem to think they are above the law. :angry: dont get me wrong im all for protecting livestock but only when there is a THREAT to their livestock.some of these guys seem to think they are judge,jury and executioner.
jok said:
I am a police officer.  All kinds of offences have been committed by this farmer and you need to report it to your local police. 
I am sorry for the loss of your pets.

hi what offences are those please? as the police here seem to think he was within his rights, even though they went into the field were the dogs were laid & clearly seen no livestock around, & when asked about him trespassing on my land with a shotgun their responce was they are allowed to carry guns if the barrel is broken..
a solicitor would know what laws hes my experience when you complain to police they do very little.a letter from a solicitor usually acts like a rocket up their ar**s! :- "
eskview said:
jok said:
I am a police officer.  All kinds of offences have been committed by this farmer and you need to report it to your local police. 
I am sorry for the loss of your pets.

hi what offences are those please? as the police here seem to think he was within his rights, even though they went into the field were the dogs were laid & clearly seen no livestock around, & when asked about him trespassing on my land with a shotgun their responce was they are allowed to carry guns if the barrel is broken..

Crying over JTs story but have to emphasize that this has to be a matter for the police. Even if your dogs had ripped livestock to pieces ( & unfortunately there are those that do making things worse for us all) the farmers actions smack of some sort of lunatic just waiting for an excuse to act as a lunatic. If your local police are obviously too chicken to take this guy on, get a solicitor, know your rights, make complaints to police authorities etc., just kick up a stink! Sure the local TV station would kill for your story, just don't roll over & take this, what this guy has done cannot be right. Keep in touch with your friends on K9 & talk to them if you need to. We are thinking of you, Shaz.
If your local police havn't or won't act. get on to a solicitor and take their advice.

So sorry for your loss :(

As for the farmer :rant: :rant: :rant:

Get Tv and local papers involed too :thumbsup:
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actually thats a good idea.why not ring up local papers and even the television sure knowing how many animal lovers there are out there and that theyd go mad about this and it would generate maximum publicity
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I'm so sorry for the loss of your dogs.

I agree that you should get a solictor involved. Were the dogs insured? Would their insurance pay for a solicitor?

The farmer does sound like a madmann - how anyone could shoot a dog in cold blood in beyond me, he must have no compassion for living creatures - imagine what he may do to his livestock, and family?
Rae said:
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dogs.
I agree that you should get a solictor involved.  Were the dogs insured? Would their insurance pay for a solicitor?

The farmer does sound like a madmann - how anyone could shoot a dog in cold blood in beyond me, he must have no compassion for living creatures - imagine what he may do to his livestock, and family?

Hi sadly they were not insured not that insurance would bring them back, but it would of helped to sue the B*stard. yes he is a mad man an interbred f*ckup with no regard for anything, himself an his family are like hilly billy interbred retards, what maddens an saddens me is his gloating over it, please excuse the language as It has infuriated me, its taking all my strengh & will to keep myself from going an doing the same to him. does anyone know a site were I can name an shame the retard????