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Fancy Dress Party


A pet is for life
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just found out today that my nieces 21st Birthday party is going to be fancy dress :eek:

i havent a clue what to dress up as :unsure: ,so any ideas would be most welcome please :D
A Dalek - I've already told you!!

or a muppet....that would suit you perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do know what i had them same thoughts, you could go as animal :-

or a 60's or 70's throwback, how about a lady viking couls just see you with a helmet with horns on

or a present with a big bow round it you could say your a suprise :-
i knew this was going to be a mistake >_<
how about a leprechaun :-

or a incontinent person :-

or a boxers puch bag :-
just go as yourself trac :-

ps.....have you seent the footy score :teehee:
how a bout a tortoise? get a girl to sit on your back and when people ask you say "thats michelle!" :p good old peter kay :thumbsup:
the whole idea of fancy dress freaks me out :b :b but you could go as a muppet as clair said quiet fiitting dont ya think :*

or you could go as well anything really so helpful arent i lol
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