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Famous Whippets


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I've just been reading about Ballyregan Bob, Creamery Border, Whisper Wishes, Mick The Miller just some of the famous greyhound racers, I found it all very interesting :D

does anyone know of any famous whippet racers I could read about?
Your best bet is looking in whippet books. In the Moran-healey book called The whippet there are several references to ped racing dogs 2 of which were owned by Nigel and Judy (WCR Ch Time Finder & WCR Ch Time Flies). The references are mainly from dogs running in the late 1990's. If you wish to go further back, then there's a book by Pauline Wilson called Whippets rearing and racing which has references from as far back as 1910.
Ooop should of mentioned, if you want to see whats going on today and who's racing then you might fancy subscribing to Whippet News. Vicky has details on subscription. :thumbsup:
wild whippies said:
Ooop should of mentioned, if you want to see whats going on today and who's racing then you might fancy subscribing to Whippet News. Vicky has details on subscription. :thumbsup:
Ooh cheers for that Jac. Must get clued up on the world of Whippet racing now :thumbsup:
Lolcoe said:
wild whippies said:
Ooop should of mentioned, if you want to see whats going on today and who's racing then you might fancy subscribing to Whippet News. Vicky has details on subscription. :thumbsup:
Ooh cheers for that Jac. Must get clued up on the world of Whippet racing now :thumbsup:

I should be on commission by now the amount of people i throw Chris's way - mind you i do get mine free so can't complain :lol:

You can't race without it, its the only way you'll know whats on / when and it's very good for results etc
A couple of ones I've heard talked of among racing folk: Blue Streak, and Little Mary (from Pauline Wilson's book)


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moriarte said:
A couple of ones I've heard talked of among racing folk: Blue Streak, and Little Mary (from Pauline Wilson's book)
Wow, Little Mary looks just as humble as her name would suggest, but she could not have been humble on the race track! The photo of her with her collection of trophies really strikes a chord in me - probably has something to do with that dualism of the whippet nature that is so fascinating.