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Im not happy that you are saying that fly did not exsist.

My tenancy in my rented accommodation in South Wales came to an end by mutual agreement with my landlord as the place held too many memories of my dogs. Therefore i had to move to Scotland to live with my partners family until we could get a house. Otherwise i would be homeless in South Wales.

I am doing everything to get Joe back.

I would happly meet anyone off this site who lives in Motherwell, Lanarkshire. If anyone does want to meet me and my partner i would ask that they pm me. I would prefer if they met me without their dogs so i cannot be accussed of trying to steal them.

If anyone whishes to contact me please feel free to pm me and i will arrange to talk to you in person.

I have had enough of this bickering etc.

I am only in this site to talk about dogs and share the love that everyone has for them. I have no interest in taking anyones dogs and i am outraged that anyone would even think that. It is a horrible experience to lose the friends that you love, i would not wish that experience on anyone.

Once again please feel free to pm me for any further clarification.

I havent been following this prevous post so i'm not sure what all the bickering was about but I know I have spoken to you before and you seem like a lovely lovely person. I hope you get your dog back, i know i'd be devasated if Gizmo went missing.

Gizmo753 said:
I havent been following this prevous post so i'm not sure what all the bickering was about but I know I have spoken to you before and you seem like a lovely lovely person. I hope you get your dog back, i know i'd be devasated if Gizmo went missing.


no offence... but you thought welshwoman was nice too....just be very careful!
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I have just read the previous posts and my opinion has radically changed. Things don't add up cymru. Ive had the name kevin mentioned to me a few times and its funny that he is posting the same thing on lurcher link, what is going on? I hope I am wrong cymru but my main concern is the poor dog in all of this.
Sorry things still making sense o:)

Can you Please tell the whole story again in detail so that we can all help. :b

Can you answer same question like why no photos?is there no photos of the dog racing :b

Kevin is mentioned alot exectly who is he in relation to the dog?

Im sure people would be more welling to help if the all the facts were disguised openly and freely.
maybe everyone should read through all the posts on both sites as things do not add up, check ages of dogs, time of theft, the post wanting to home then denying it (lurcher link thread) very very confusing? been through all the posts on both sites and the story just doesnt ring right? fly tiny and joe/sasha? then after reading them all make up your own opinions on what is going on here? i have! not happy! so to go on just makes me angry! :rant: :rant:
Im trying to work this out

is it smokey eye jo that it was called or

Running for fun which it was also called (strange)

or Rathroon sash which is its last name (what i can work out at this time at night)

How many names do you want to call her?

I do have to ask this sorry. Is you OH called kevin be any chance.

I'v proberly been diplomatic in my past texts by its begining to look fishy

Do we have to bicker?? :huggles: I thought the point of these forums was to help one another and share our experiences.

(Cymru, have pm'd you.)
I think that everyone has said their piece on this subject.

So I'll close this topic off as well.
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