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F. A. O. Christine And Norman


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:D Dear Christine and Norman we have found a little stray in Falkirk last night and have taken it home to give it a warm and loving family to be with she is a :wub: :wub: little thing and has settled in no problem over night here are a couple of pics of her....




And now that i come to think about it it was just round the corner from Brian and Nettie :thumbsup:
:D And this is another we found today are we lucky or what ?


And they called it puppy love love o i guess they will never know how the young heart really feeeeeels and why we love her so Right now put her down and dont get to attached because she,s mine all mine But thank,s for the photo,s of Jackson and Mazie how lovely are they i,ve weeks to wait yet but counting lol ;) ;) ;) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thank,s again Chris and Norman x x x x
What scrummy little dumplings :wub: :wub: Can't wait for a cuddle of Mazie, such a cutie :thumbsup:
:wub: :wub: What lovely looking PUPS :wub: good luck with them :luck: , can not wait to meet them :wub:
Oh dam now im all broody again, carnt wait for puppy cuddles :p :wub: :wub: :wub:
They are totally gorgeous - the pups are lovely too lol.

Mandy have you been starving Derek, or could you not get out for food through all that snow? He looks like he's lost weight in his face, and lookong fab :thumbsup:

Christine your little girl is to die for, I love particolours :wub: