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Eric,new Pics And New Camera!


New Member
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Not been on as much these days,Sorry. Tried our new camera out today......still experimenting!! will get better i hope :teehee:
Lovely picture. Looks very nice camera; what is it?
Thanks,It's a Samsung "coolpix" :thumbsup:
Great to see Eric again Phill...hes looking lovely... :wub: and love his collar too...

Good luck with the new camera...nice clear photos... :thumbsup:
Long time no see , erics looking as handsome as ever and i too love his collar :thumbsup: 8)
Lovely Pictures :thumbsup:
Eric looks like a big gentle soul, just like his Bruvva :wub: I think my Brea has the same collar :thumbsup:
Thanks for all your kind comments :thumbsup:

His collar is a belter and we get lots of things from the lady who makes them.

He is a sensitive gentle soul and fab! :wub: Just like his bro Stanley :wub:
What a gorgeous boy Eric is :wub: and his collar really suits him :huggles:
SONY Cybershot is the camera :b doh! got it wrong before
That was at Bolton Abbey yesterday :thumbsup: Fab place and a lovely day :D
Oh the life of a whippet eh? :teehee:
Lovely to see Eric so chilled out and happy.... :wub: :wub:
bless him, spraggin out over more than his fair share of sofa is his dads favourite pastime to lol :thumbsup:
Ha Ha Ha I know Becka,we have a sofa each.....sometimes :teehee:

Today,We been to the lakes,Ambleside is the pic :thumbsup: