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Emails how safe are they.


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Can anyone explain this, I have been using Incredimail 2 for some time now and yesterday it stopped sending and receiving mail, I looked in the help file and it said try going in to TOOLs and selecting authorize and it asked me for my email and password.
All was fine so I told it to check for mail.
Now the funny bit.
I got 721 emails.
They were all old ones and when it was working I know I deleted them all.
It gets worse.
I deleted 720 emails and then it stopped sending and receiving again.
Second time around, the same thing.
I have deleted Incredimail now and am using my Hotmail.

PS. Dose this mean that some place they are storing all our emails?
Hmmmm.... I don't like the thought of my emails being stores away some where forever and ever!

Had you definitely deleted them from the 'deleted folder' ?
Generally, emails are stored on a server for a period of time.

I don't know how long for but they are definitely stored.
I definitely deleted them not once but twise, it may have been the Hotmail as that is what Incredimail was reading.

Well it seems to be working so far, just keep my fingers crossed.

Funny things computers.