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Ella Needs A New Home

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Is there anyone out there who wants to adopt a black and white whippet? Ella is nine months old. She is a rescue dog which we have had for six weeks. She is a lovely animal, but much too energetic for me to cope with. Also my husband cannot (or will not bond with her). I will not let her go back to the kennels where she came from, as she deserves better than that. So I am appealing to anyone who particularly wants a whippet. She is house trained, cage trained, and very loving - although quite mischevious.
poor ella :(

welcome to k9 btw :thumbsup:

maybe put a pic of her up and a lot of details and im sure someone will see her and want her , have you tried ring JR whippet rescue they often have a waiting list for whippets? do you know if she is pedigree or just non registered? any breeders details at all? :thumbsup:

did you sign to say she had to be returned to the rescue centre as i think you could get in trouble if you dont :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
poor ella  :(
welcome to k9 btw  :thumbsup:

maybe put a pic of her up and a lot of details and im sure someone will see her and want her , have you tried ring JR whippet rescue they often have a waiting list for whippets? do you know if she is pedigree or just non registered? any breeders details at all?  :thumbsup:

did you sign to say she had to be returned to the rescue centre as i think you could get in trouble if you dont  :thumbsup:

I have registered her with Whippet rescue, and she is on their waiting list. There is nothing in my paperwork from the kennels to say that I can`t rehome her. The reason I will not take her back there is because she was picked up as a stray and they only had her for two weeks and in that time she had caught kennel cough. She looked so sad where she was I couldn`t resist her. Unfortunately I`ve not had a whippet before and didn`t realise how energetic they are - I used to have a labrador and he was 14 years old when he died last December- so he was very sedate by the end of his days. I shall be 60 years old next year, so Ella needs someone with more energy to give her.
carthny said:
posh totty said:
poor ella  :(
welcome to k9 btw  :thumbsup:

maybe put a pic of her up and a lot of details and im sure someone will see her and want her , have you tried ring JR whippet rescue they often have a waiting list for whippets? do you know if she is pedigree or just non registered? any breeders details at all?  :thumbsup:

did you sign to say she had to be returned to the rescue centre as i think you could get in trouble if you dont  :thumbsup:

I have registered her with Whippet rescue, and she is on their waiting list. There is nothing in my paperwork from the kennels to say that I can`t rehome her. The reason I will not take her back there is because she was picked up as a stray and they only had her for two weeks and in that time she had caught kennel cough. She looked so sad where she was I couldn`t resist her. Unfortunately I`ve not had a whippet before and didn`t realise how energetic they are - I used to have a labrador and he was 14 years old when he died last December- so he was very sedate by the end of his days. I shall be 60 years old next year, so Ella needs someone with more energy to give her.

thats so sad for all of you :huggles: what the rescue should have done is , after the homecheck then matched dog to person and lifestyle , you havent done the wrong thing at all , you are doing whats best for her , well done you for getting her out , im sure we can help you find her a lovely home that may even let you stay in contact if that what you wished :huggles:

if its the sighthound style you like what about rehoming an older retired greyhound? lazy lay abouts who steal the sofa but much better suited to you :thumbsup:

many older dogs in rscue are over looked simply due to their age but you seem as if you wish to give a dog a good home but within your realms of ability , there is a lady on here i think her name is fee fee , she helps rehome oldies?

You've definitely come to the right place Carthny - people come here all the time looking for whippets, so I'm sure the right person for Ella will be along before too long.

Posh Totty's right, if you are wanting the companionship of a sedate sofa monster then a slightly more mature greyhound would be ideal (they are fab for cuddles too)

in the meantime, don't beat yourself up - you're doing the right thing by Ella in looking for the right home for her :thumbsup:
Can someone please tell me if it is very difficult to bring a rescue dog from England to Italy.....?
Lupavaro said:
Can someone please tell me if it is very difficult to bring a rescue dog from England to Italy.....?

I guess it would depend how you wanted the dog to travel. You'd need to check regulations in Italy, but as far as I know the dog could travel with a standard EU pet passport, which can be issued by a vet once the dog has had a rabies vaccination and been microchipped.

Bringing dogs back into the UK is more complicated as you also have to have a blood test done six months after the rabies vaccination. I don't think this is required to travel to Italy, though.
posh totty said:
many older dogs in rscue are over looked simply due to their age but you seem as if you wish to give a dog a good home but within your realms of ability , there is a lady on here i think her name is fee fee , she helps rehome oldies? :thumbsup:

That's me :D

Yes, we do have lots of lovely oldies (7 yrs +) on our website and of course we'd be happy to talk to you if you decide in future you'd like to consider an older dog.

I'm really sorry things haven't worked out with Ella, it sounds as though the place you got her from may have been a pound rather than a rescue? Most reputable rescues would have taken more time to make sure she really was right for you, and would also have rehomed under a contract to say she must go back to them if you couldn't keep her.

I don't know whereabouts you are, but there is somebody here looking for a young whippet:

Good luck, I'm sure the right person will be along soon for Ella
I guess it would depend how you wanted the dog to travel. You'd need to check regulations in Italy, but as far as I know the dog could travel with a standard EU pet passport, which can be issued by a vet once the dog has had a rabies vaccination and been microchipped.

Bringing dogs back into the UK is more complicated as you also have to have a blood test done six months after the rabies vaccination. I don't think this is required to travel to Italy, though.

to enter Australia need only passport and vaccination against rabies, I thought that for export worth of the same rule in England, namely the blood test

To enter in Italt a pet needs only the EU passport and a vaccination against rabies, I thought that was worth the same procedure in exports from Uk to other countries but fortunatly it isn't like that. Thank you very much
Where abouts are you? I have a friend looking for a whippet at the moment. She already has a neutered male whippet who plays with my 2 every day, but he would love a permanent buddy of his own :)
Angel44 said:
Where abouts are you?  I have a friend looking for a whippet at the moment.  She already has a neutered male whippet who plays with my 2 every day, but he would love a permanent buddy of his own  :)
Ella is a lively, loving dog, who likes people, children, and other animals. She understands some basic commands such as sit, no, leave, and if also given the command "Have a wee" she will usually perform ( obviously outside ). She is house trained and will cry at the door to go out( although she needs prompting if it is raining). She will bark at the door to be let in.

She dosen`t like the rain and likes to be comfortable and warm. She will sunbathe on hot patio slabs, but indoors she enjoys softer bedding. She has been sleeping in a furry dog bed at the side of our bed, although if she can get away with it she will try to get onto our bed and snuggle up between us.. Ella is cage trained, as she tends to get a bit anxious if left on her own, but she will happily settle in her cage with a few treats. She can be very clingy and wants to follow you everywhere, but when she is feeling confident, she will play outside and keep coming in to check that you are still there.

She has energy surges where she sprints around to use up her energy. She is fine travelling in a car, as long as she can stretch out on the back seat. She loves food and will eat anything - including plants. She doesn`t seem bothered about fetching or playing with a ball, but she enjoys a stick being thrown for her, and also loves furry toys that she can shake. I have been walking her with a harness and lease and she seems fine, but walking her on a collar and lead needs improving on as she tends to pull.

We live in Nottingham. I have contacted the rescue centre and asked if its okay to rehome her through whippet rescue and they said that is fine. So if anyone wants a whippet then I could give the number to do it through them.
nicky12 said:
aww poor love any pics please  :D
I am trying to post pictures of Ella but they need shrinking down as they are too large for the site to accept. I will get someone to do this for me as I haven`t got a clue how to do it. Watch this space.
carthny said:
Is there anyone out there who wants to adopt a black and white whippet? Ella is nine months old. She is a rescue dog which we have had for six weeks. She is a lovely animal, but much too energetic for me to cope with. Also my husband cannot (or will not bond with her).  I will not let her go back to the kennels where she came from, as she deserves better than that. So I am appealing to anyone who particularly wants a whippet. She is house trained, cage trained, and very loving - although quite mischevious.

I do want to give a whippet a home so please contact me at to discuss. Many thanks.
carthny said:
nicky12 said:
aww poor love any pics please  :D
I am trying to post pictures of Ella but they need shrinking down as they are too large for the site to accept. I will get someone to do this for me as I haven`t got a clue how to do it. Watch this space.

Hi there

if you email me the pictures, I will post them on here for you.

click on my name and you can pm me or email me...

Thanks Janis

she sounds lovely too.... :wub: I hope you find a good home for her soon.
tillytrotter said:
carthny said:
Is there anyone out there who wants to adopt a black and white whippet? Ella is nine months old. She is a rescue dog which we have had for six weeks. She is a lovely animal, but much too energetic for me to cope with. Also my husband cannot (or will not bond with her).  I will not let her go back to the kennels where she came from, as she deserves better than that. So I am appealing to anyone who particularly wants a whippet. She is house trained, cage trained, and very loving - although quite mischevious.

I do want to give a whippet a home so please contact me at to discuss. Many thanks.

Ella now has a new home, she was placed by Jr Whippet rescue who vet the new owners, and is now with a family who own an Italian whippet, she`ll love having a new friend.
great news, it sounds like a lovely home :huggles:
good on ya carthny - sticking by wee ella has got her a fab new home :thumbsup:
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