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Elbow hanging out!


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Hi all,

Just discovered this forum & am hoping someone could guide me.

I have (5 in Feb) German shepherd, who last year was diagnosed with anal furunculosis? Not sure spelt right, anyway he was immediately put on high dose on steroids 8 a day. Since then it started to heal & eventually reduced to 2 a day this year.

Anyway it returned quite badly, so again 8 pills a day. Then we noticed he just layed in garden. Later on brushing him I noticed his front leg was 3 times the size so straight up vet where they sent him home with some pain killers & an appointment for the following morning, anyway she said not happy & they kept him in on an antibiotic drip all night. (I didn't realise how bad his leg looked, apparently it had almost exploded at the elbow ) anyway to cut long story short

His leg was stitched which has come all open & I feel I'm back to square one. This happened 2 months ago & wound is still open & weeping/bleeding. So far we've spent around £1600 & still accumulating!

Is there anything I can put on to bandage without cutting circulation as I have manukora manuka honey but if I put this on wound it just runs out! Phew

Sorry for long post but I'm at wits end, please any advice?

Thank you
The steroids in the dog's body will be affecting healing. You really have to take veterinary advice on this. If you are not happy then ask for a referral. Your vet is probably trying to balance the treatment of the anal furunculosis with treating the elbow condition. They probably both need completely different drugs that are difficult to combine.

Never over tighten a bandage as this affects the blood supply. Ask your vet about Manuka Honey, many of them are open to alternative therapies.
Thanks, yes she did say he really needed to go to the RVC at potters bar. But I don't have insurance & it will cost thousands. So I realise it's difficult with all the pills, but I feel it's never going to heal :(