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Elbow Dysplasia

Milo’s Mum

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Hi everyone,

Milo is a 10 month old Belgian Malinois, and for the last 2 months he’s had a persistent limp which came with major exercise, but got a lot worse over the last week when resting.
Taken him to the vet and they said they think it’s elbow dysplasia and going to investigate further with x-rays.
Has anyone got a fur baby with elbow dysplasia and if so how are they doing, I’m so worried as he’s only a baby and don’t want that to mean his quality of life will be horrible.
Thanks !
Our rottie puppy started with the odd lame step at about six months old which then became more regular. We took her to our usual vet who x-rayed her elbows but they were not sure and on the advice of a friend of mine who is a vet we got a referral to an orthopaedic specialist practice. They thought that elbow dysplasia was the most likely diagnosis but before jumping into CT scans, etc advised two weeks Metacam and three 15 minute lead walks a day. After two weeks we were to slowly increase the length of the walks with a re-assessment after 7 weeks.

On re-assessment she was deemed to be perfectly sound with 'growing pains' as the most likely cause of the original lameness.
Recently I read an article by a vet that included the comment that triceps strain was easy to misdiagnose as elbow displasia. No vet likes to be told they might have misdiagnosed, so plan your dialogue carefully to ensure they stay "on board". 8 months when your dog had the intensive exercise is way too young for that, though I know they can sometimes over-exercise themselves. It's your decision whether to have scans/X rays or not, but be aware that pups the age yours is have not yet capped off their long bones, so the situation often resolves itself as they mature. Note I am not recommending do or don't with regard to scans and treatments - that's for you to decide. Just saying some of the possibilities.