DCC Silkstone Zucchero of Triken
RDCC Faracre Firebird
BCC Spinneyhill Camellia
RBCC CH.Shalfleet Silken Image
Minor puppy dog
1st.Faracre Figaro
2nd.Jasarat Galaxy Gold
3rd.Runaround Horatio
4thy.Rathglass Raindancer
1st.Blandings Inspiration
2nd.Demerlay Field of Dreams at Gwendariff
3rd.Denelsie All Gold
4th.ShuleahSinging in the rain
1st.Stonifleet Silver wings
2nd.Rearsbylea Tarquin
3rd.Tazi Falcon at Limasfault
4th.Shalfleet Simply Jazz
1st.Faracre figaro
2nd.Blandings Inspiration
3rd.Jasarat Galaxy Gold
4th.Denelsie All Gold
Blandings the illusionist
2nd.Demerlay Silver Sunset
3rd.Sea Hawk
4th.Celebrindal Silver Gwydion
1st.Rearsbylea Tarquin
2nd.Blandings the Illusionist
4th.Linsara Keep the Silver
Post Grad
1st.Bluestresk Bullfinch
2nd.Jasarat Just Gold
3rd.Elaphine Beau Geste
4th.Alonza Conspiracy Theory for Dewerstone
1st.Silkstone Zucchero of Triken
2nd.Faracre Firebird
3rd.Courthill Chain Reaction of Hazeacre
4th.Moonlake Mackintosh
1st.Ch.Shoe Buckle
2nd.Elaphine Alexander Blue
3rd.Shimmeree Jacob's Joy
4th.Faracre Fanfare to Arlane
1st.Poachyn Red Sentry
2nd.Perfect Pluto
3rd.Squirrelwood Solomons Seal
4th.Secret Ballot
Special Racing or Coursing
1st.Moonlake Mackintosh
2nd.Whisterfield will o the Wisp
Minor puppy bitch
1st.Hammonds Mary Rose Over Millwold
2nd,Elmanash Eliza (alias [SIZE=14pt]Poppy[/SIZE]) :wub:
3rd.Rathglass Painted Moon
4th.Beetalian Domino Dancing
1st.Cornstalk Moon River
2nd.Oakbark Mystery Romance
3rd.Westmount Kiss & Tell
4th.Bluestreak Barley Sugar
1st.Sporting field Winged Dove over Dunbriton
2nd.Welstar Schhh You Know Who
3rd.Savuka Dancing in the Dark
4th.Chrispan Dancing Queen at Hutaka
1st.Spinneyhill Stylistic
2nd.Hammond Mary Rose over Millwold
3rd. Elmanash Eliza :wub:
4th.Chrispan Dancing Queen at Hutaka
1st.Shalfleet Silver Thread
2nd.Spinneyhill Stylistic
3rd.Hernevalley Mazurka
4th.Juneric Little Star
1st.Abbotswood Sheer Heaven
2nd.Yeobright Azure of Stormalong
3rd.Tradewind Touchstone jw
4th.Dunbriton Moonflower over Stormburst
Post grad
1st.Tradewind Quicksilver
2nd.Taraday Treacle Tart
3rd.Silvabrin Class Act
4th.Elleonia Lady Luck at Stormburst
1st.Pipijay Drops of Jupiter
2nd.Hasue Foreign Affair at Whipcat
3rd.Demerlay Band of Gold
4th.Abbotswood Heavens Joy
1st.Spinneyhill Camellia
2nd.Ch.Shalfleet Silken Image
3rd.Whipcat Kayleigh Fly Till Dawn
4th.Walkabout Wild Lament
1st.Aphrael Waltz of The New Moon
2nd.Watcross Cilla with Starswift
4th.Ringmore Cantilena
Special Racing or Coursing
1st.Copsebury Slightly Splashed by Moonlake
2nd.Copperhawk Country Fair
3rd.Kaymark Dark'ning Ember Verosun
4th.Verosum Honeysucklemusk
:cheers: [SIZE=14pt]Many Gongratulations [/SIZE]
to Ray & Pat & Alayna for Minks wonderful win,may the other 2 [SIZE=14pt]BIG GREEN UN'S [/SIZE] follow soon :thumbsup:
Well done to everyone else
I will post a few photo's later when Iv'e sorted them out!!
RDCC Faracre Firebird
BCC Spinneyhill Camellia
RBCC CH.Shalfleet Silken Image
Minor puppy dog
1st.Faracre Figaro
2nd.Jasarat Galaxy Gold
3rd.Runaround Horatio
4thy.Rathglass Raindancer
1st.Blandings Inspiration
2nd.Demerlay Field of Dreams at Gwendariff
3rd.Denelsie All Gold
4th.ShuleahSinging in the rain
1st.Stonifleet Silver wings
2nd.Rearsbylea Tarquin
3rd.Tazi Falcon at Limasfault
4th.Shalfleet Simply Jazz
1st.Faracre figaro
2nd.Blandings Inspiration
3rd.Jasarat Galaxy Gold
4th.Denelsie All Gold
Blandings the illusionist
2nd.Demerlay Silver Sunset
3rd.Sea Hawk
4th.Celebrindal Silver Gwydion
1st.Rearsbylea Tarquin
2nd.Blandings the Illusionist
4th.Linsara Keep the Silver
Post Grad
1st.Bluestresk Bullfinch
2nd.Jasarat Just Gold
3rd.Elaphine Beau Geste
4th.Alonza Conspiracy Theory for Dewerstone
1st.Silkstone Zucchero of Triken
2nd.Faracre Firebird
3rd.Courthill Chain Reaction of Hazeacre
4th.Moonlake Mackintosh
1st.Ch.Shoe Buckle
2nd.Elaphine Alexander Blue
3rd.Shimmeree Jacob's Joy
4th.Faracre Fanfare to Arlane
1st.Poachyn Red Sentry
2nd.Perfect Pluto
3rd.Squirrelwood Solomons Seal
4th.Secret Ballot
Special Racing or Coursing
1st.Moonlake Mackintosh
2nd.Whisterfield will o the Wisp
Minor puppy bitch
1st.Hammonds Mary Rose Over Millwold
2nd,Elmanash Eliza (alias [SIZE=14pt]Poppy[/SIZE]) :wub:
3rd.Rathglass Painted Moon
4th.Beetalian Domino Dancing
1st.Cornstalk Moon River
2nd.Oakbark Mystery Romance
3rd.Westmount Kiss & Tell
4th.Bluestreak Barley Sugar
1st.Sporting field Winged Dove over Dunbriton
2nd.Welstar Schhh You Know Who
3rd.Savuka Dancing in the Dark
4th.Chrispan Dancing Queen at Hutaka
1st.Spinneyhill Stylistic
2nd.Hammond Mary Rose over Millwold
3rd. Elmanash Eliza :wub:
4th.Chrispan Dancing Queen at Hutaka
1st.Shalfleet Silver Thread
2nd.Spinneyhill Stylistic
3rd.Hernevalley Mazurka
4th.Juneric Little Star
1st.Abbotswood Sheer Heaven
2nd.Yeobright Azure of Stormalong
3rd.Tradewind Touchstone jw
4th.Dunbriton Moonflower over Stormburst
Post grad
1st.Tradewind Quicksilver
2nd.Taraday Treacle Tart
3rd.Silvabrin Class Act
4th.Elleonia Lady Luck at Stormburst
1st.Pipijay Drops of Jupiter
2nd.Hasue Foreign Affair at Whipcat
3rd.Demerlay Band of Gold
4th.Abbotswood Heavens Joy
1st.Spinneyhill Camellia
2nd.Ch.Shalfleet Silken Image
3rd.Whipcat Kayleigh Fly Till Dawn
4th.Walkabout Wild Lament
1st.Aphrael Waltz of The New Moon
2nd.Watcross Cilla with Starswift
4th.Ringmore Cantilena
Special Racing or Coursing
1st.Copsebury Slightly Splashed by Moonlake
2nd.Copperhawk Country Fair
3rd.Kaymark Dark'ning Ember Verosun
4th.Verosum Honeysucklemusk
:cheers: [SIZE=14pt]Many Gongratulations [/SIZE]
to Ray & Pat & Alayna for Minks wonderful win,may the other 2 [SIZE=14pt]BIG GREEN UN'S [/SIZE] follow soon :thumbsup:
Well done to everyone else
I will post a few photo's later when Iv'e sorted them out!!
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