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East Anglian Whippet Show 14th July 2012

Carol Brown

New Member
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The East Anglian Whippet Racing Club were invited to stage Whippet Racing yesterday at this show.

I would like to thank The Secretary, Committee & other helpers of this event on the excellent organisation.

As Secretary of EAWRC together with our committee & members who attended this event, we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for asking us and providing the prizes for the racers , which were greatfully received.

We hope all the dogs and there owners who pais £1.00 to trial also enjoyed the experiance.

I will advise you all of the total money received which will be forwarded to our Charity East Anglian Childrens Hospice.

Hopefully we will be asked again next year, but in the mean time any one is welcome to come along to our race meetings at Newmarket

I have been notified by our Treasure Ann Williamson that the amount we collected on Sunday was £122.50p for the racing and trialing.

Thank you all for taking part, and EAST ANGLIAN WHIPPET RACING CLUB will be making the amount up to £ 150.00 and forwarding a cheque to EAST ANGLIAN CHILDRENS HOSPICE this week

Once again a very big THANK YOU

Carol thanks for the update. Much appreciated. It was a great weekend, and Nick had fun letting our Drama have a bit of a 'fun run'. What a great opportunity. Thank you :)