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East Anglian Whippet Racing Club

Carol Brown

New Member
Reaction score
Looks like for once the weather was worst with us in Suffolk. We had rain until approx 230pm & then it dried up. Lottie & Emmie especially liked the puddles & could not keep her out of them .

We raced for The Anniversary Trophy over 150yds @ 1/2 yd per lb for the Experienced dogs and The Peanut Trophy over the same format for the Novices.

The results for The Annerversary Trophy are as follows:-


Race 1

Ize A Coming 2

Bolt From The Blue 1

Meis 3

Race 2

Heross 1

Posh Paws 3

Pretty Colour 2

Race 3

Rather Special 1

Riches To Rags 3

Silver 2

Race 4

Mista Ppointment 3

Flying Rocker 1

Berlington Bertie 2

Marley 4

Semi Finals

Bolt From The Blue 1

Ize A Coming 2

Heross 3

Pretty Colour 4

Rather Special 4

Silver 2

Flying Rocket 3

Berlington Bertie 1

Cons Semi Finals

Meis 1

Posh Paws 2

Riches To Rags 3

Mista Appointment 2

Marley 1

Main Final

Bolt From The Blue 2

Ize A Coming 1

Berlington Bertie 4

Silver 3

Cons Final

Meis 2

Posh Paws 3

Marley 1

Mista Ppointment 4

The Peanut Trophy



Satin Sings 4

Tiger Lilly 3

Stripey Nancey 1

Cairdean Yoshimi 2

Race 2

Razzle Dazzle Bobby 1

Crackling Rose 3

Ellobeko 2

Race 3

Bish Bash Bosh 2

Sandman 1

Biba 4

Raffles 3

Semi Finals

Stripey Nancey 1

Ellobeko 3

Sandman 2

Cairdean Yoshimi 2

Razzle Dazzle Bobby 3

Bish Bash Bosh 1

Cons Semi Finals

Tiger Lilly 2

Raffles 1

Satin Sings 1

Crackerling Rose 2

Biba 3

Main Final

Stripey Nancey 2

Sandman 1

Bish Bash Bosh 4

Cairdean Yoshimi 3

Cons Final

Raffles 1

Tiger Lilly 4

Satin Sings 2

Crackling Rose 3

Rosette Racing

Heross 2

Pretty Color 1

Flying Rocket 4

Rather Special 3

Riches To Rags 1

Ellobeko 1

Razzle Dazzle Bobby 2

Biba 3

We hear from the winning post that they had a very hard job with the results due to some very close finishes. Well done Dave with the race programme.

We also ran a trophy for 3 show dogs who competed at Crufts on Saturday on Handicap

results are as follows

Round 1

Billy Bud 1

Windfly Tilly 3

Windfly Rosie 2

Round 2

Billy Bud 1

Windfly Tilly 3

Windfly Rosie 2

The results of Crufts were that Billy Bud was placed 2nd in his Class, Windfly Rosie

was placed 3rd and there Windfly Dusty won her class. WELL DONE.

We have some very sad news to report that Sarah Toller lost her WCRCh/SPORTINGCh Millichip last week through a heart attack. His spirit will live on in his offspring . We are all thinking of you Sarah at this sad time.

I wish to thank everybody for there help in putting on this meeting and especially Kevin for riding the bike come rain or wind THANK YOU.

Our next meeting is 27th March for Club Handicap being, taking weight and Ability into cinsideration .

Lookforward to seeing you all.

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I forgot to mention that it was great to see Ken Wright at the Club, one of our old non pedi friends we used to race with at the Steveage Club.

He brought along his 3 dogs for trials . Hope to see you again soon Ken .
Must mention that Trish Billinghams Libby , together with Ron Copsey's Kenya & also Sarah Tollers pup Archie are clear and passed for racing & will be included on the program for our next meeting.

Well Done to all the dogs and owners.