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East Anglian Whippet Racing Club

Carol Brown

New Member
Reaction score
On Sunday we had our AGM at the Club with a good turn out which went of very well, and we raced after for the Swagman Cup kindly donated by Mr & Mrs Uings some years ago.

The weather was very good to us and even had a glance at the sun.

The format was 120yds scratch, and the results are as follows:-

Race 1

Bish Bash Bosh 1

Marley 2

Windfly TillY 3

Race 2

Rather SpeciaL 2

Riches To Rags 3

Game On 1

Windfly Rosie 4

Race 3

Heross 2

Posh Paws 3

Pretty Color 4

Silver 1

Race 4

Ellobeko 2

Born Slippy 4

Ize A Coming 1

Tiger Lilly 3

Semi Finals

Race 5

Bish Bash Bosh 1

Rather Special 3

Silver 2

Ellobeko 4

Race 6

Marley 2

Game On 1

Heross 3

Ize A Coming 4

Cons Semi Finals

Race 7

Windfly Tilly 4

Posh Paws 1

Born Slippy 2

Windfly Rosie 3


Race 9

Bish Bash Bosh 1

Silver 4

Game On 2

Marley 3

Cons Final

Race 10

Posh Paws 2

Born Slippy 4

Pretty Color 1

Tiger Lilly 3

Rosette Racing

Race 11

Rather Special 1

Ize A Coming 3

Richew To Rags 2

We had so many trials, possibly 30 in the 1st break, being dogs coming back ,young dogs continuing there training and also new people taking a look at us, and were impressed & will be returning.

We had 3 sessions of trial and we are please to announce that Sue & Kevin Shakespeares puppy was cleared for racing & will be on the card for our next meeting on 30th January .

Our annual Essex Shield Trophys were presented for Top Bitch to WCRCh Posh Paws, who also won it in 2009 , well done Rebbeca. and Top Dog went to WCRCh Heross well done Garry

We also presented a Trophy for The Most Improved Dog to Gavin Cairns for Pretty Color, well done.

A good day was had by all, I think, pleased to be out & racing again, I know the dogs were happy to be back .

Our next meeting as said previously is 30th January, look forward to seeing you all, please book in if you require to race

Many thanks to East Anglia for a great day it was nice to race again, especially when the weather was kind after the winter we’ve had

Pretty Color (Most Improved Dog)

WCRCh Posh Paws (Top Bitch)

WCRCh Heross (Top Dog)

I nearly forgot thanks to Lottie for her help :sweating:

It WAS a good day :) The trials were never better named! Congrats to Posh Paws and Heross on winning the Essex Shields - they were on MY sideboard a good number of years :teehee:

Incidentally, Billy, Sue & Kevin's girl.s brother (if you followed that) is also good to race at the next meeting - if only the owner has the courage to enter him!
Another great day at EAWRC, so many dogs racing and especially trialling even our new boy Bentley had a go, .it's great to see so much interest. Well done to Dave on the lure and Kevin on the bike who did not stop all day. Oh and get well soon Ray you were missed
It WAS a good day :) The trials were never better named! Congrats to Posh Paws and Heross on winning the Essex Shields - they were on MY sideboard a good number of years :teehee:
Incidentally, Billy, Sue & Kevin's girl.s brother (if you followed that) is also good to race at the next meeting - if only the owner has the courage to enter him!
Sorry Ian I forgot to mention that Billy is now passed for racing Well Done