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Ear/eye Pawing And Head Shaking - What Could This Be???


Wife, Mother, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Whip
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About 4 weeks ago, we noticed Jacques pawing one ear/eye and shaking his head. We inspected his ears for dust/mites/dirt etc but found nothing.

The eye on one side was bloodshot so we have administered eye wash drops to help wash the eye out. (We thought he may have got some grit or dust in it over the fields). Or perhaps seeds? This happens mostly at night and is still happening, although not as much.

Any ideas as to what it could be? I don't want a £15 vet fee unless it's really conclusive.


Sadie x
i would get him to a vet if its a grass seed they can travel, had a bitch that had to have her eye removed (under GA) to clear a grass seed im amazed you have left it 4 weeks
It could be anything, from a grass seed to an inner ear infection which is making both ear and eye feel wrong and therefore the damage visible is from scratching rather than from the original problem.

I don't think you're going to know the answer without seeing a vet, so if he's not getting better I think that's your next stop.
No pawing today, despite a good run over the fields. We have Rachel Hopton coming in tomorrow for 2 hours, to assist our programme of rebilitation and confidence building, so I will also mention it to her. His eyes are both clear now but if the pawing flares up again, we will def take him down for a check up.

I have monitored his general condition constantly, to see if he was running a temp or off his food, but nothing. He only seems to rub his eye/ear at night, which is really strange. Perhaps we need to get softer lamps!!! ;)

Thanks for your thoughts ladies.

Sadie x
one POSSIBILITY is glaucoma

definitely see a vet, and possibly an eye specialist, if the problem starts again
No rubbing for 48 hours and his eyes are clear and bright. No runny nose or temp. Whatever it was seems to have passed, although we are keeping a tight check on him. Any sign of things returning, Jacques will be at the surgery for a check up immediately.

Many thanks for all advice/comments.

Sadie x