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Each Charity Bend Event

Rob Rixon

New Member
Reaction score
On Monday, 30th May 05 at Newmarket the club ran its annual meeting for the East Anglian Children’s Hospices charity. The event was divided into 3 weight groups, over 240 yards two bends. Additionally, there was a veteran group, which ran on the straight over 140 yards.

The total collected for the EACH charity was over £86. Thanks to all those who raced there dogs or donated money.

The racing was run over three rounds with points awarded to calculate the winners.

N.Ex 22lbs group

Winner – Exzibit (unbeaten in all rounds)

Runner-up - Honky Tonk Woman

Third – Cloey Cracker

N.Ex 27lbs group

Winner – Chinese Dentist

Runner-up Star Gazer

Third – Squizzel

N.Ex 32lbs group

Winner – Stardust (by default)

Veterans 6-7 years

Winner – Satin Spirit (unbeaten)

Runner-up – Star Joey

Third – Satin Silhouette

Fourth – Millie Any’um

The weather after a very heavy hale storm was sunny. On both tracks the going was very good (the sandy sub-soil gives very good drainage).
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