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Drug testing...

Do you think that zero tollerence can work...

  • Yes it can work.

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  • No it will never work.

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What does everyone think to the zero tollerence levels....can this really work??
well said john hit the nail right on the head
I agree with John Gill, it's impossible to work on zero tolerance the dogs won't have a life, i'd rather stop racing in opens than to have my dog caged away all the time!!!
Is there any chance of a more enlightened regime on drug testing now that the NWRF has a new committee?
Before you have a tollerence,you need to know what is banned :nuke: :(
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Is there a list of what you should not give to your dog ,0% impossible. :p
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:cheers: i recieved an email today from the N.G.R.C (i know its not same)

but they said when a drug test is carried out if something shows up that is not a vitamin or part of the daily diet of the dogs then the person who owns/trains the dogs would recieve 12 months ban

so if it can work with N.G.R.C. surely it is possible for your dogs

just a bit of info for ya hope it helps as i know some people have tried before to get info from the N.G.R.C. and the N.G.R.C were not forthcoming :cheers:
Not so sure that you will get a 12mth ban with the NGRC. We know an NGRC trainer who was fined and not banned (for something that wasn`t his doing) and from discusions with him it would appear bans by the NGRC are not usual.
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Perhaps i should qualify the above to mean bans are not usual for the type of substances whippets have been banned for. :oops:
Ive heard varying stories on what the NGRC do when a sample comes back. In your email to them did you say that BWRA/NWRF don't pay for a full analysis like they do? I think it would depend a great deal on what was in the sample & what quantities etc for what your punishment would be when tested by NGRC's lab, this cant be done with the basic tests which whippet racers get.
replying to richies posting about trainers getting banned for illegal substances under n.g.r.c. rules this is not true the dog will lose the race if it won and the trainer is liable to a find as this years greyhound derby proves, droopys hewitt won the final and then lost it in the inquiry but the trainer was not banned, if there is further instances of positive samples under that trainer then the trainer could be banned . as to ban the trainer imededatly would break the law under the right to work act , in some very special surcomstances there can be imedate bans ,like cruelty to the dogs under their care but gladly these are few and far between .
Further to the topic and in particular with regard to Ritchie's posting:-

The NGRC do not automatically issue a 12 month ban for a positive lab report, in fact they sometimes just issue a fine depending upon the substance involved. This makes sense, after all a mass murderer and a person caught driving 10mph over the speed limit have both broken the law, but they hardly deserve the same punishment. Anybody can look up the results of stewards' enquiries in the NGRC calendar, where you will find that positive results for theobromine, which is the substance we find mostly in whippet racing, is usually punished by a £300 fine. A couple of years ago I visited the NGRC headquarters in London and spoke at length to their head of security, Noel Thompson. He told me that theobromine, although found in foods such as Cocoa Pops, is not normally found in a greyhound's food and is therefore on the banned list, although I believe that they do make allowances for low amounts. But that is for greyhounds. Whippet racers have a problem because whippets often have access to things containing chocolate and therefore find it difficult or nearly impossible to avoid theobromine at all times.

I sent you a copy of the BBC tape, Ritchie, and you will hear David Poulter, who was president of the greyhound division of the British Veterinary Association, state that theobromine in the quantities for which the BWRA has been banning members not only had absolutely no effect upon the whippets but was virtually impossible to avoid in a pet! I also sent you a copy of a report from Australia where the author writes that theobromine is not on the banned list in NSW greyhound racing, that it is a very weak substance and that its effect upon greyhounds is questionable. As far as I know all the BWRA positive reports have been for theobromine, i.e. chocolate, apart from one, and that's Hellbound. Just because the lab issues a 'possible' positive report does not mean that a rule has been broken or that somebody has tried to dope their dog. When the HFL lab, which mainly tests horses and greyhounds that are a lot easier to keep away from chocolate (greyhounds being professionally kennelled), told the BWRA that they may have found theobromine, the BWRA ought by their own rules to have consulted a vet, who would have told them that it's from chocolate and did not affect the dog's performance. But the BWRA decided to ban innocent people and that's where all this mess started. Have a good listen to the tape, Ritchie, and then tell us what you think. I'm hoping you'll admit that zero tolerance, in particular with regard to the chocolate xanthines, is quite simply wrong.
6 people have voted that it can work? Why?

Maybe you might like to let us know why you think like this?
o:) haveing been out of the whippet racing for a few years, sitting back and reading these posts i would like to say that drug testing should be dropped as it is bringing whippet racing to it's knees after all this is just a hobby sport and in my opinion there is no drug that will make your dog run faster than it's capabilities, there is drugs that will make your dog more alert and make it trap faster ie getting a faster time by a couple of yards. in the greyhound world who have been running a lot longer than whippets they have come to the conclusion that stopping your dog to get a mark to win, so this tells me if they had a drug that would make a dog run 5 yards faster than the dog could they would not stop the dog for the mark and just use the drug instead to win.

with all money saved from drug testing this could lead to better venues and get up to date equipment when needed.

another probem i see is what's happening with bwra / nwrf funds if both organisations printed a yearly balance sheet to show where monies had spent ie petrol allowance, workers at opens and champs, ect this would stop all the back biting roumer moungering amongst the members. :oops:
Having read some of the replys on this K9 i simply can,t understand why the backbiting continues if a certain person who comments on the expenses taken by the BWRA i can say to you get off your arse and you do it i spent all last weekend

doing the start along with Steve from Melton could not see you their and i paid for

my own expenses along with all the running round the country getting traps done

picking up trophys for the Fed because people on he fed needed them no cost incured

I ran round for two days getting the new parts for Camera no cost incured to the BWRA

I recon i spend most of my weekends trying to better the sport what do you do
