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Dorwest Herbs Goodie Bag


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We are putting up for auction a goodie bag of various products from Dorwest Herbs, the items are....

Scullcap & Valerian tablets (100) - To calm and relax and reduce anxiety

Valerian Compound (30ml) - Liquid version of the above, but much more fast acting. (I have included both these products as fireworks night is fast approaching)

Keepers Mix 250g - The herbal supplement, using nature's harvest of herbs, to keep all dogs and cats in the best of health. The ingredients act as tonics for all the major organs and this is reflected in improved general vitality and a healthy thick coat.

Pennyroyal Shampoo 125ml - Due to its tangy mint aroma, Pennyroyal has been used for centuries to repel fleas, lice and other parasites, suitable for both dogs and cats.

For more info on the products here is the DORWEST WEBSITE

RRP £29.60

Now come on be generous people, highest bid will go direct to Tillys fund :thumbsup:

If someone did want to swap one of these products for another that would be more suitable (of a similar price) I am sure this can be arranged ;)

Auction will end: THURSDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 8PM

edited only to add auction end date :thumbsup:
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i'll put £30 on.

sharron and Zeb
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