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Dorset dog poisoning

I've heard similar reports from Upton Country Park which is one of our regular walks. I tend to take some of the things you hear with a pinch of salt, but it's still worrying :(
But it's the BBC, so it must be true ! :p
I've just seen a FB post saying that it's happening in Broadstone too... which is where I live :eek: It didn't say whereabouts in Broadstone, though I'd guess the recreation ground. Again, I'm still sceptical given how rumours and fake news spread... but not sceptical enough to take a risk with Jasper's health :(
Reading around, pellets have possibly been left in piles of sawdust... but running clubs also leave piles of sawdust to mark their routes, and I suspect that people who see these immediately assume it's poison, or think it's at least worth raising the alarm. In one thread on FB one person asked for proof, such as police or toxicology reports, and got shot down in flames. Go figure...
Reading around, pellets have possibly been left in piles of sawdust... but running clubs also leave piles of sawdust to mark their routes, and I suspect that people who see these immediately assume it's poison, or think it's at least worth raising the alarm. In one thread on FB one person asked for proof, such as police or toxicology reports, and got shot down in flames. Go figure...

Don't mention FB, I just about got death threats for suggesting hunting was better for the environment.
I can see that going down well, @Rinkydinkydo! I don't agree with hunting (depending on what sort of hunting we're talking) but at least we'd be able to sit down and have a sensible discussion on it. Some people leave their brains at the door when they log on to social media and exchange them for a large helping of vitriol.

I've emailed the local police - on a non-emergency number of course - to ask if they have any reason to suspect dogs have been deliberately poisoned locally. And, more importantly, if they did, how they would inform the public. Can we assume that if there aren't signs up in the location, then the rumours are likely to be yet more rubbish?
@JudyN... it was some vegans that were up in arms because I said that a bag of carrots bought at the shops had a bigger carbon footprint than the rabbit I was going to have for my tea. I hunt for food by the way, that is apart from rats.

Its funny because around where I live there's always claims of dog poisonings around springtime. That's when it's lambing season around here. It's just my theory that its stuff left out for foxes.
I'm sure if I could let Jasper hunt for his own food - or even my own food if I wasn't vegetarian - it would be much more sustainable & environmentally friendly than buying it. And more humane, come to that. The trouble is that so many people let their emotions completely take over their reasoning powers.