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My two youngest were having five minutes rest laying flat out on the sand a GSD

came along and decided to chase them all over the beach. The owner came along

the top in his motorised scooter laughing his head off. I asked what was funny and

he said the fact that his dog couldn't catch the girls. I asked what he would do if he

did but he wasn't sure. I then told him my girls were in fact terrified of his dog and

was told i should get them on a lead then. When i asked why because they weren't

the ones at fault he replied that he had been walking hid dog along the beach for 6

years.....everyday. I then told him i had been walking dogs along that beach ever

since i was a teenager, so it time gave a priority then the ball was in my court.


What was his reply to this ........... 'F off you B'd and Drown yourself'
usta thought for youan As another scooter dog walker you cannot get on the beach witha scooter and if his dogs down there and hes up top hes not picking up the poo is he so take a camara in futer and watch out for him lol
Hope you gave him a few choice words back the :rant:
Some people just defy belief, don't they!!! So sorry Ann, that you met with this idiot.

And a good point from Wendy too ... and yet this stupid man cannot think why he's in the wrong. :angry:
What a horrible experience for the girls. Beggars belief doesn't it.
There is definitely an underclass of revolting people in this country. Sounds like you just met one of them.
I've lost count of the number of times my poor whips have been chased by bigger dogs. I don't understand why owners don't put their dogs on leads or call them back if they do this kind of thing. The boy especially is now really nervous about meeting other dogs and he starts cowering and salivating as soon one approaches him.

I live in the forest and I think because there are wide open spaces people think they have free rein to bring their out of control dogs here. I went for a walk with friends yesterday to a really busy place with lots of children/families/dogs and all the dogs we met were much better behaved and my boy was much more confident by the end of it so i'll definitely be repeating it. Hope your girls weren't too traumatised by their experience.

Laura x
I didnt think of the poo thing at the tme, but i bet he's not getting of his scooter

and cleaning up behind his dog. May have to have a later walk again tomorrow

and see if he is about.

Idiots like him are the reason i like to take the girls out between 5 and 6 in the

morning. They get a decent run in peace and i dont have to tolerate the likes of

him :clown:

don't let this silly a**e spoil your dog walks, the chances are you won't see him again - these sort of irresponsible owners usually keep a low profile after their dog has let itself down. His response is typical of a dog owner whose dog is clearly not under his control - it's a case of his embarrassment at being so ineffectual rather than any objection to you, but what a horrible thing to say.

Whippets are so wonderful in that they dont' do the aggessive 'bring it on' behaviour, but thank God they can run so fast! mine have a collective hatred of GSDs after all being attacked by a free dog whilst they were all on their leads! no damage but a lot of trauma - longstanding.

Hope your future dog walks go well. ?From his reaction I think your response has probably 'hit home' - well done for being so restrained!

How horrible for you and your lovely whippies. Would be great if you could catch him not picking up after his dog.

Am I being really thick but what does GSD stand for?? x
How horrible for you and your lovely whippies. Would be great if you could catch him not picking up after his dog.
Am I being really thick but what does GSD stand for?? x
German Shepherd Dog (Alsation)

What a total Dick Ann, glad you're all ok!
What a horrible experience for you and the girls Ann. :rant: :rant:

I get really annoyed as it is people like him who don't clear up after their dogs that gives other dog owners a bad name. :( I would want to go for a stroll without the dogs and take my camera!! :- :-

Someone in the next village recently got fined for letting his dog poo in the churchyard and not clearing up. :b
What a f..ecking idiot Ann...hope you are all ok

:rant: hes the one that wants drowning...
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If you walk in a certain field near us at a certain time, the said field is a race track, used by kids and youths for tearing around on their mopeds. Yesterday, I walked my 4 in said field, the aforementioned dipsticks were in a corner well away. One of the bacteria, got on his bike and sped up to my 4 and tore past them, just missing Kiah's toes by a fraction. Of course when I complained, he poured forth a tirade of language, none of which consisted of words in excess of 4 letters, his vocabulary would not lend itself to any form of coherent discourse in any case.

As said on this topic, there is an underclass in this country, who quite literally need to be rounded up, and dumped in the North Sea.

As Ann says, if you go in any area, early in the morning, the scum are never there, they dont get up til noon.

:rant: :rant: :rant: