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Don't Mess With Me


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From an ancient edition of the Independent (18.07.2000)

" ... The Whippet: Like a canine Ally McBeal, the whippet presents a vulnerable exterior to the world - all doe-eyed submission and ladylike shivers - but, beneath the delicate facade, is more bloodthirsty than any other breed (with the possible exception of the Schnauzer and the Welsh Corgi). Whippet owners tend to have unresolved problems of violence. It is never wise to disagree with a whippet-owner when alone in the kitchen. ... "
I was a bit puzzled as to whether this was about the whippet or the whippet owner (although having re-read your title I should have realised) so had to go and find the original article. An amusing read. :D :- I'm now a bit worried about what owning both a schnauzer and a whippet says about me. My OH better beware (w00t) :nuke: :nuke:
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I love it!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't mess with us Whippet owners ... we might look gentle and biddable on the surface (well, some of us must do!) but secretly ... a seething mass of old scores just waiting to be settled!

very funny!
That's very funny but true when I think about it. I hate confrontation and will always back down for a quiet life but if it involves my dog then that is another matter :blink: and am like a women possessed! I have kicked several dogs that have attacked him, argued in the middle of the street like a fish wife with a women whose dog went for him and several other confrontations which is totally out of character. It must be these bloodthirsty whippets that bring out the worst in us :))
I ahd a row with a man with a rather large 'staffie' at the weekend. I had been for a walk with the twins along the canel and had come of the towpath and walking along a back street. A group were standing taking in the street when suddenly a staffie ran out and up towards the twins. The people started shouting it back and the man ran after it. Mean while the dog was circling me and the twins growling so I pushed it away with my foot it was getting a bit close for comfort.

The man said it wouldn't start a fight. Yeah ok so why was it circling and growling at my dogs If Simba had reacted there would have been a full scale fight. I told him get the bleep bleep thing on a lead and that if I saw it loose again I would report it to the police as a dangerous dog. Needless to say it quickly gotput back into the house.

The thing is we like to walk along the canalat the weekend and this is the only place I can get off I don't really want to meet the flipping thing again :angry:
My husband would agree with that. He is always being shooed out of the kitchen. Add single-mindedness, stubborn, independant of spirit and you have a whippet and a human rolled into one :teehee:

Sadly, I seem to have lost my whippet waistline in the last few years :(