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Don't Know If Evie Is Going To Settle With Us


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What do you think ? (w00t)



To be honest I have never known such a calm laid back pup .

Nothing bothers her and she is just perfect :thumbsup:
:unsure: Well............ to be honest............ its looking highly doubtful.......... (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Looks like she's been there forever o:) o:)

Oh yes ,looks like shes having a problem settling , maybe a bit more room in the bed should do the trick :lol: :lol: :lol:

So glad shes settled right in with you all :wub: :wub: :wub:
Love that second photo - a picture of bliss :wub: :wub: :wub:
she looks very settled to me lovely pup :wub: :wub: :wub:
What can I say!! :wub: ......... you could always pop her in a jiffy bag and send her straight down to me :- :thumbsup:

Joking aside, Evie looks the picture of contentment - as do they all, bless xx
Really lovely pics of a very beautiful and content family :wub:
Mmm Alison its not looking good is it :(
Awww she's certainly one of the gang :huggles: :wub:
Nah, can't see that working at all ... think you better face defeat now and send her to live with me !!!!!

Seriously, what a happy pup you have there :thumbsup: And so beautiful :wub: :wub:
What a lovely sight of all three of them. :wub: I miss my number three so much. :(
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Obviously no chance of her settling - I'm afraid you'll have to send her to meeee (w00t) :wub:
She is just gorgeous :wub:

I see her Aunties are keeping her in her place for now!

Looks like you will be needing a new bigger bed very soon.

I bought a huge (and expensive £50) soft rectangular one with high sides for my pack of 4 but it is too big or at least the wrong shape) for the dog corner at 40" x 36"

I am just about to sell it used for 2 days. If you or anyone in the Edinburgh area is interested, you can have first shout :))

A donation to a doggie charity such as Dogs Trust or k9 would be most welcome tho'
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Thank you all for your lovely comments about Evie . I have just bought them a new bigger bed but of course the do prefer to all squash into the old one . The new bed sits empty , unwanted ! maybe one day they will move camp :lol:
Gorgeous pics... :wub: looks like shes with you to stay...
Bloody hell Alison, you had me worried there for a minute :sweating: when i read the title of your thread :p

Evie looks just adorable :wub: and definitely settled well :huggles: