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Done Something Really Stupid


The one and Only ....
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I was all ready for work and i remembered that i hadn't taken my medication.........

Blood pressure water, vitamins and general well bieng for old gals :))

I always get mine and my daughters meds ready the evening before for

quickness in the morning.

But i must have been half asleep and took my daughters instead.........

epilesy, depression, the pill and one more i cant remember what its

for right now. Then dont ask me why i turned round and took mine

as well :b

I went of to work at the end of my road. Made a cup of tea as normal

then started to feel a bit odd. So i came home and rang my GP. He told

me to get to the surgery straight away, he said the tablets id taken were

built up slowly and i had taken a massive dose in one hit. He wanted me

to go over to A&E as he was worried my blood pressure would drop to

low. But i made a fuss and he said i could go home if there was someone

there to watch me and he would come round after morning surgery to take

my blood pressure again.

So i've spent the day totally spaced out, with a headache, wonky sight

because my pupils were huge. I was as white as a ghost even my lips

went white. At one point my lips, tongue, hands and feet were all numb.

I just feel a bit sick and slightly woozy now and have a banging headache

.................but boy am i going to make sure i never do that again.


I never did like Monday's :lol:
ann im glad your ok,that must have been scary for you and the doctor :b

bet your daughter is pleased your ok too :huggles:
flippen eck Ann, ya daft moo..........hope your feeling a bit better now :thumbsup:



take it easy hun :huggles:
blimey ann talk abt not doing things by half!!! hope yr feeing better soon.....and stop having sooooooo many late nights lol. take care.xxxxx
Bloody hell ann!!! you dont do things by halves do you!!! :lol:

you know where i am if you need me :huggles:
Oh Ann - not nice - I'm on seizure medication and I know what it makes me feel like after a gradual build up - look after yourself and take it easy :huggles:
:oops: What are you like :oops: ? I hope you are feeling a bit better, take it easy

and make sure you are awake properly next time :- " :thumbsup:
(w00t) :sweating: Glad you're ok :huggles:
Gosh Anne, talk about pill popping... :lol: :oops:

Im so glad you are ok though... :) :huggles: :thumbsup:
:oops: I've done a similar thing before and taken my meds twice, spent the day like a zombie!!

Hope you are feeling better. :huggles:
Methinks you need one of those pill dispensers each! You know, the ones you load up weekly and then just take the pills each day :) That way you could keep them in different places so you don't overdose again (w00t) (w00t) :thumbsup:

Glad you're feeling better, Ann :) It must have felt awful :(
Thanks all :))


I cant believe im such a daft mare, im going to make sure i look

properly from now on.

I've still got a thumping headache but i'd better go to work. I start

my holiday on thursday which they aren't very pleased about but i

booked it when my sister and her hubby owned the shop earlier this

year and this lot had to honor our holiday that we'd booked.

They are that tight its onlt christmas day shuting the rest is as

Only just seen this Ann you dosy so and so make sure you take the right ones today :thumbsup:
Just seen this :oops: :oops: what a thing to do but so easy to mistake.

So glad you are recovering :huggles:
