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Dominant Behaviour Appeared Out Of The Blue


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As you might have noticed, Gelert at the somewhat old age of 6 is developing some interesting new tricks. Having been the most laid-back, submissive whippet imaginable, he now suddenly seems to be getting very dominant. He peed all over Joanna and her pup on sunday, all over a lady's handbag at the races last week and when he meets OEH's Tess he tries to mount her nonstop, having never shown the slightest interest in bitches before (even when they're actually on heat) .

As I'm probably getting a new pup soon, I'm a bit worried about this. If it's a dominance issue, will he try it on with the new pup regardless of whether it's a dog or a bitch? Will it be something that sorts itself out in time or just gets worse?

The problem seems much worse after competitions too, is this common?
Blimey, late developer, isn't he (w00t)

Is he the dog in the picture? what breeding is he, he's lovely!

In answer to your question, I have no idea :wacko: sorry

Are you getting a dog or bitch? Is he an 'only' dog? Perhaps he is in his prime now and has just got too confident - maybe a nice bitch will sort him out, put him back in his place. If he tries to hard to get aboard the 'whippet train' a bitch will soon get fed up of that and will not hesitate to tell him so :thumbsup:

good luck! :luck: with him and with potential new puppy
doris said:
Blimey, late developer, isn't he (w00t)
Is he the dog in the picture? what breeding is he, he's lovely!

Even nicer in the fur!!!!!! :wub:

In answer to your question, I have no idea :wacko: sorry

Are you getting a dog or bitch?

I think that will depend on Gelert's behaviour

Is he an 'only' dog? Perhaps he is in his prime now and has just got too confident - maybe a nice bitch will sort him out, put him back in his place.  If he tries to hard to get aboard the 'whippet train' a bitch will soon get fed up of that and will not hesitate to tell him so :thumbsup:

Well............. Tess normally has no problem telling randy boys off but doesn't with Gelert  (he also peed on Nana's head)

good luck! :luck: with him and with potential new puppy

:oops: Gelert how could you?? :( Elizabeth only know Oscar is acting a bit like this now since getting Kobi - usually when he is excited I can say. At the show when we took Kobi to meet Dad, he peed over OH's leg - sorry I laughed too :lol: and on walks he is constantly peeing over Kobi - usually because Kobis not watching what hes doing either :- "

Im not sure why he does this either - but he is very exciteable and he is maturing I suppose at just gone 1 year. Maybe its because Gelert is an only dog and possible spoiled just a bit :b
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm this weeing business rings bells lol. Years ago, I used to have an entire Jack Russell who made a habit of peeing on anything stationary, including me, innocent bystanders, show judges just about to hand him rosettes etc etc etc . I eventually resigned myself to the fact I would never be able to stand still with him again and all was well.

Having Basil, who is also entire was such a joy as he never would wee whilst on the lead and taking him out was a pleasure, until that is, Ragley Hall Country Fair the other month, when he weed up my leg :x . Ha ha, soon did i realise how preferable terrier wee was as it only reached my shoes, NOT knees lol. I have no idea why Basil suddenly thought this was acceptable behaviour and so far he hasnt done it again, so I am hoping it was a one off!!
Erm yes, he did pee all over Jo & Finn :b

(Jo was too busy talking to notice but don't tell her I said that :lol: )

Could it be that he is just so excited after racing that he goes all to pot?

I've not really got any experience other than our male dog Vader was already neutered when we got him at 1 year old and has never peed on anyone but he still mounts the girls some of the time. Normally after we've had a walk and got back home, so it's similar in that it's after something exciting. There is never any aggression there though. We've just accepted that this is part of his increasing perculiar reportoire :blink:

If it's just mounting and not aggression I wouldn't worry about it really (other than it wont do a puppy much good to have fully grown Gelert on it's back (w00t) ) and it might be something you just have to live with.

Someone else must have had the same problem as this and might be of more help.
:- " Gelert definatly had something on his mind on Sunday......... even my quiet little Diva gave him a good telling off :oops: ......... it worked though he did back off Bless ! :thumbsup:
No, he's not at all aggressive, I think he'd back down with Tess if she told him properly; he's not rough with her, just annoyingly persistent. He did have some arguments with his lab friend (mainly her bulldozing/behaving dominantly with him until he told her off), but they sorted it fairly quickly between themselves, and he has never shown the least bit of interest in her rear end (even before she was spayed). He's quite happy letting the cat dominate him too. :- "

I don't think he'd be rough with a small puppy, he usually goes out of his way to grovel and be generally submissive to puppies and tiny dogs, it's just when the youngster starts to mature it might start to kick in again.

Ah well, at least there's 'life in the old dog yet', as they say :wacko:
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Janimal said:
:oops:   Gelert how could you?? :(   Elizabeth only know Oscar is acting a bit like this now since getting Kobi - usually when he is excited I can say.  At the show when we took Kobi to meet Dad, he peed over OH's leg - sorry I laughed too :lol:   and on walks he is constantly peeing over Kobi - usually because Kobis not watching what hes doing either  :- "
Im not sure why he does this either - but he is very exciteable and he is maturing I suppose at just gone 1 year.  Maybe its because Gelert is an only dog and possible spoiled just a bit  :b

Poor Kobi :huggles: sorry Janis but I pictured it in my mind :lol: :lol: I am so glad I have girls they just have a scrap to get the dominance thing out of the way then its done :* Although when Sienna was in season did try to hump callie on a few occasion (w00t) :wacko:
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I imagine he might not fancy a bitch so much once they've had a good scrap and she succeeds in turfing him out of his favourite chair :- "

My little terrier bitch spent a good deal of time humping the cat (who was at least double her weight); she also used to cock her leg when peeing (w00t) :wacko:
doris said:
Blimey, late developer, isn't he (w00t)
Is he the dog in the picture? what breeding is he, he's lovely!

In answer to your question, I have no idea :wacko: sorry

Are you getting a dog or bitch? Is he an 'only' dog? Perhaps he is in his prime now and has just got too confident

Yes, I've only got the one - he's 3/4 Laguna.

You've got dogs and bitches together Doris haven't you, but I can't remember if they are intact or not?
Millie said:
:- "  Gelert definatly had something on his mind on Sunday......... even my quiet little Diva gave him a good telling off  :oops:   ......... it worked though he did back off Bless !  :thumbsup:
Hmmmmmmmmm ...... sort of backed off because he did actually answer back I noticed BUT nobody said anything to him. If it had been one of my dogs I would have endorsed what Diva had said by growling at him as well.
I agree with Dessie; peeing on peoples' legs or in their handbags is just NOT ON! :D I had one dog who did that for a while after i got him ( he was an adult when he came to us) I made sure he knows it is just not allowed. :luck: Just do not let him get away with such a behaviour! :luck:

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Well the verdict is that he has an enlarged prostate, and will need a course of testosterone-suppressing drugs; the sudden change in behaviour is probably linked to this too. He had a wet dream a couple of nights ago, the result of which was decidedly pink which rang alarm bells. He's on antibiotics as well, just in case the swelling is due to infection.

If the course of injections doesn't make it go down, then they'll have to castrate. :(
Awwww - poor Gelert. Hope the anti-biotics work for him. :luck:
moriarte said:
Well the verdict is that he has an enlarged prostate, and will need a course of testosterone-suppressing drugs; the sudden change in behaviour is probably linked to this too.
If the course of injections doesn't make it go down, then they'll have to castrate. :(

ah, poor dog! :(

at least you know that it's not down to dodgy parenting skills, allowing your boy to run out of control - you both must have been so confused :unsure:

you are right, I do have dogs and bitches together - they all have been 'done' (for a variety of reasons) so we don't have many fluctuations (sp?) in hormones, which helps - and they all live happily as part of the family o:)

Of course, the bitches rule the dogs, even if they only weigh 4 kg each (w00t)

I think the real reason for harmony in our house is that there is only room for one top dog . . .

and that's ME!

(or should it be bitch? :- " )

anyway, :luck: