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Dogs sleeping near dishwashers/washing machines


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Quite a niche question...! I wondered if anyone's dog sleeps in the same room as their dishwasher or washing machine, and whether (if you turn it on at night) you've noticed if it has affected your dog's sleep?

I was about to get a dishwasher when I suddenly had the thought: if I was sleeping in the same room as one I wouldn't get much sleep! But then obviously dogs are different in many ways, so I wasn't sure if my dog would be as affected by it as me. She's not sensitive to noise in general.

My dog probably wouldn't be bothered with the general churning noise but the beeping at the end of the cycle would wake him.
Our corgi x sleeps next to the dishwasher- doesn't seem to mind but to be honest I hadn't thought about o_O! Maybe it's like 'white noise' to him i.e. insignificant.
My gut feeling is that once your dog has categorised it as irrelevant background noise, at most she'd lift one eyelid and then go back to sleep. Though it would be a pain if you got a dishwasher and then found out I was wrong ;)
Why not put it on at 7.00pm or immediately after your evening meal? As long as any dishes you have after that are just supper plates, cups or glasses, they could always wait in the washer for the next day?
I have known dogs absolutely freaked out by being made to sleep in the utility area with machines being on overnight. I'm with JoanneF here.
Thanks all - I had also had the idea of putting it on earlier in the evening, so I think that's what I'll do if possible. She's not bothered by background noise but better to be safe than sorry.