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Dogs' names


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Timber was named by Mr F. It was part of the engagement process for getting a dog, he could choose. Being a massive cricket fan he suggested Pad (no), Bat (no), Stumps (are you kidding? No). So we were on our way to collect him and passing a timber yard so he suggested Timber. Oh, and as a little boy he had wanted to be a lumberjack when he grew up but I'm not supposed to tell people because he gets embarrassed.

What are your dogs' names and more importantly why did you choose them?
Willow is called Willow because she was born the night we had our beloved Marley moo PTS . We planted a willow tree in his memory and as we are certain she was his last gift to us Willow seemed a fitting name

my hubby named grommit ..because he is a Wallace and grommit fan ..and ..well ..he will do anything for cheese grommit it was ..or grommy for short
I had a list of names for our last purchased puppy and didn't know which to use, so I sat with her one day and used each name one at a time clearly and in a friendly tone. The only name that she responded to was "Hazel" ( she chose her own name) and even now 4 years later she responds so instantly to her chosen name, what a good girl!

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Cash - after Johnny Cash

Dolly-after Dolly Parton

I would love another little boy and he would be "Nelson"...can you tell I'm a country music fan :)

I also had a cat called chickens are Blake and Miranda.....
Only the one boy now...Mickey. Began as Mental Mickey, then Mad Mild-mannered Mickey (mostly).
I had chosen a simple name, Bob before collecting my dog but it just didn't suit him. For a couple of days he was Dexter (after Ted, the cricketer) but again, it wasn't right.

I've found dogs with names beginning with P or S hear their name easily so I was flicking through P in a dictionary. I came to Polo. At the time a chap who worked for me was obsessed with Ralph Lauren and my train of thought went from Polo to Ralph. One look at him and I knew it was right.
Saluki collie. Ripley and named for the same reason. I could have the dog he could name her. Eighties child and named after sigourney weavers' character from aliens! Mind have to say really suites her and she responds really well to riprip (high pitched and excited) for recall.
A Whippet called Folly, a folly is something, (normally a building), that has no purpose other than to be attractive.