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After been travelling a bit this years around the opens , i heard that Tracheobronchitis ( Kennel Cough) is doing its rounds, down at melton i heard a few dogs coughing,

Do some people not realise it is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in dogs, and as we are at opened most weekends it becomes airborne and then infects other peoples dogs that have travelled, thus we end up with the full uk whippet community catching it at one point or another.

Incubation period is about 8-10 days, meaning your dog will not display symptoms of illness for about 8-10 days following exposure to the virus. Having a strong immune system is best way to avoid coming down with symptoms if/when your dog is exposed to the virus.

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How do you tell if a dog has kennel cough ?? Occasional Cough, constant cough any other symptoms ??
The usual symptoms of Kennel Cough include a dry, "non-productive" cough. The dog sounds as if there is something stuck or caught in the throat and the coughing is an unsuccessful attempt to dislodge the object. Sometimes the coughing/gagging seems very violent. The episodes of coughing may go on for minutes at a time and then be repeated at intervals. Of course you will want to check your dog and make certain that there isn’t anything actually stuck in the throat! One way you can "test" for Kennel Cough is to press the throat gently, right in the collar area. If the dog has Kennel Cough, this will probably trigger some coughing.
You're very right there, its a good idea to check that there isn't something stuck in the throat. In April last year when Connors Lass was 7mths old she developed a funny little cough and he nose seemed to run a little, someone suggested it was kennel cough and we like frightened rabbits rushed off to the vets after being told all about kennel cough. After a check over the vet said it certainly was not kennel cough or anything serious at all, he put it down to a mild touch of hayfever (hayfever in dogs, i'd never have though). Anyway we were sent merrily on out way and hey presto same time this year a slight runny nose as a little occasional cough (especially after playing in the long grass).

Not that I'm saying it shouldn't be taken seriously, just though I'd give you all a little anecdote from the life of Connors Blob (erm Lass ... ??? )
Some dogs and cats are prone to runny noses and sneezing, much like hayfever in humans. The cause of this may be obvious like dust, pollen or seasonal changes or even following exposure to certain food, cleaning products or sprays for example.

I know that there are a great number of herbal treatments for dogs thats available on the market

I for one use a herbal treatment for arthritis on Blue Goblin, and it is a healthy alternative to pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs, it reduce inflammation and stimulate circulation, shes been running really well on it since last year when tony advised me about it.

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One of my dogs caught kennel cough last year, i had be out coursing the night before ...he ended up in the vets on a antibiotic drip for 3 days cost me over

£100....other 3 never got it any ideas why
As you have all said kennel cough is extremely infectious.I have all my dogs vaccinated against kennel cough. Don't you all do the same in England. I do not race my whippets as there is no official kennel club racing in Australia. Jill Marks
Hi some whippet racers do have their dogs vaccinated each year, we came back from our holliday in scotland last year and two of the dogs came down with the cough three days later, however not all of the dogs caught the cough and i have no idea why.... ;)
The others may have been exposed to a small weak dose of the virus which their bodies were able to create anti-bodies to fight, much like a vaccine works. Any further exposuremay have been combated as the anti-bodies were already at work destroying the virus before it had a chance to do any damage.

(My ex-biology teacher would have been proud :D )

P.S I bet I have jinxed myself and this isn't the case at all ... G.C.S.E grade F !!!) :angry:
Okay hes another one to ponder on now the warm weathers here...Fleas horrible things,

Did you know that three fleas will multiply to 10,000 fleas in three months.

Fleas are a transmitter of several diseases to your pet. These include tapeworm and a severe skin condition called FLEA BITE DERMATITIS. It is felt that pets actually become allergic to the saliva of the flea and that one bite can cause the severe hypersensitivity. Typical flea allergy in dogs causes a severe itching and hair loss at the base of your pet’s tail. In cats, this is manifested as bumps all over your pet.

There are many flea products available at this time what do you use?

I myself use FRONT-LINE a once a month spot-on on our dogs ...and can only be obtained at the vets cost me about £25 month for this but does all 6 of my dogs ..i have used this program for 3 years now and never had fleas since..
Reply to oakway ..which Vaccine do you use injectable and intranasal.

I have never had my dogs vaccinated against kennel cough..could you gave me some more information on the vaccine please?
Hello Denise,

When the pups are six weeks old I have them vaccinated with C4 here that is and I read off the vaccination card Distemper/ Hepatitis/ Parvovirus/ Parainfluenza and this is a CANVAC vaccine. At approximately three months I take them back for a C5. So they have all of the above again plus Bordetella (BB) all injectable no up the nose. I have friends that never use C5 but give three doses of C4. When we go to our bigger shows we call them Royals and each state holds one (Queensland have two Brisbane Royal and Toowoomba Royal) and they are all benched shows (except Toowoomba) and I got sick of bringing kennel cough so now days I vaccinate against the deadly ones. Hope this is of some use to all. Best wishes. Jill :D
Thanks Jill

I found the information very interesting , i am at my local vets on wednesday with one of my pups for her last vaccination ..i am going to enquire about what is available in the uk
i see alot of whippet folk where i live they race at a local track....i have been and watched there dogs a few times...these racing whippets you all have are kept very under weight for my liking...i think you should feed them more and thous will help them preform better...
well said lampinlarry who ever you are i also have noticed alot of people keep their dogs a bit on the TRIM side.
hi, maybe you would like to tell us at what local track you have been to to watch whippets race ......
:( You may call it TRIM we call it well fed and fit. Thay cant run if there under fed.
Hi lampingglarry.

most dogs cannot carry the extra weight especialy the smaller ones and if you do put some on them it doesnt always mean they perform any better.

take care

some of our whippets might look alittle TRIM to you but these whippets are the (crem da la crem )and they can run matey........ :D any more weight on them and they would be giving extra yardage away, and when your whippet has to with the likes of fluke and short spot you can not afford to give them an inch never mind a yard... :p they are the tops....... :D