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Doggy Joke...


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a guy spots this sign.." DOG FOR SALE £10 ". he nips around the back of the house and sees the dog. "you talk then ?" dog replies "ohh yes". .."so whats the story ? " asks the bloke.

"well, i discovered that at quite young i could talk, so i was put into an active service cell listening to criminals and terrorists. i would loiter around thses types listening in then report back to my boss. i got bored with it got myself married and had kids. im retired now" "jeez what a dog" the guy thinks so asks the owner why hes selling him so cheap ? ...

"because hes a bloody liar he never done any of that stuff !!"

ps john was telling me about his mate davey wenceslas whos really getting pissed off about his name...each time he and john order pizza john keeps saying down the fone.."can we have them "DEEP PAN CRISP AN EVEN" daveys gettin a bit fed up :rant: :- "
TYPICAL banned one joke :lol: hope the banned one has a very merry christmas . :p and a less confrontationnal new year (w00t) from the peppermint gang :lol:
lol!less confrontational?hmmmmm...... :- "
give him a big cuddle from me and little D, we have missed his honesty
(w00t) Merry Christmas John, from Diane down in Cornwall, hope to see you again next year at the shows. :thumbsup: